I attempted to enable the Stripe payment processor in CiviCRM 4.6.4 by going to Administer > Administration Console > Manage Extensions > Add New. From there I click the Download link next to Stripe. After doing so I get the following error message:
"Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment. Unknown extension: com.drastikbydesign.stripe"
This message appears when attempting to download other extensions as well.
My CiviCRM Extensions Directory is: /home/sitename/www/www/sites/default/files/civicrm/upload/ My Extension Resource URL is: http://sitename.org/home/sitename/www/www/sites/default/files/civicrm/upload/
As a possible lead, I get the following error message when entering the Extensions screen: "WARNING: The downloader may be unable to download files which require HTTP redirection. This may be a configuration issue with PHP's open_basedir or safe_mode." If this error message is related, I'm still not sure how to proceed.
Thank you.