I just wanted to update from an older version (I gues it was 5.63 or so) to the current 5.69.1, but the installation runs into a red screen with a Server 500 error.

This is what I see after turning on debugging and trying to launch CiviCRM: https://i.imgur.com/CuFfNbd.jpg

Any idea, what I can do?

My Joomla is 5.02, PHP is 8.1.27


1 Answer 1


Hi Stefan

Return to the URL [DOMAIN]/administrator/index.php
Navigate to components/civicrm.
In the main menu of CiviCRM navigate to Administer > Administration Console > System status.
There you should find an error message with a link to execute the necessary database-upgrade. Once executed/finished successfully, the error no longer shows up.

Alternatively, you can execute the upgrade directly via the link [DOMAIN]/administrator/?option=com_civicrm&task=civicrm/upgrade&reset=1.

  • Thank you for the tip! Unfortunately, I can't login any more, because I instantly get this screen: i.imgur.com/eUJnI05.jpg no matter which URL I try to open! :-( Commented Jan 11 at 11:33
  • Any help how can can log into my backend again is very much appreciated? Commented Jan 11 at 13:58
  • I'm sorry for the late reply: navigate to the database via phpMyAdmin and find the table #_extensions of your joomla-installation. Deactivate extension-entries CiviCRM, CiviCRM User Management, CiviCRM System Listener by setting enabled = 0. Then you should be able to perform a backend-login.
    – Guitarman
    Commented Jan 17 at 17:37
  • Hi there, thank you for reaching out. I found a table 'jos_extensions' but in that no CiviCRM entries. Am I looking at the wrong place? Commented Jan 18 at 19:44
  • For whatever reason I can log in to my backend again. Uninstalling CiiCRM still fails. Reinstalling I don't dare, I don't want to be locked out of my system again. And - unfortunately - the support here is quite poor, so I wouldn't want to take the risk again. Any hints how I can proceed are still welcome. Commented Jan 23 at 9:00

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