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Mailing labels with multiple relationships

Hoping for a little advice on the best way to address the following situation. We have individuals with relationships to organizations. Each individual can have multiple relationships to ...
Sam Nelson's user avatar
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Custom Field data missing in export

For an event we wanted to aks for more information so i set up a set of custom fields. I added this to a profile and added some more fields I added the profile to an event registration. If a user ...
nak-lag's user avatar
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Export of custom multiple choice options to CSV files limited to 32 characters

A user is trying to export data from an advanced query on custom fields to a CSV file using the "Export contacts" action. This fails with a backtrace which is attached below. The error ...
Bond Keevil's user avatar
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Exposing custom field and custom option group to advanced search export

I have a custom field (tempField) and a custom option group (tempGroup) with options (1, 2 and 3) I want to expose these to the export form. For example, when you choose "Individual -> Phone" field ...
TheCoderGuy's user avatar