The Mosaico CiviCRM Integration extension includes a base template that provides several different types of blocks to use in composing emails.

I need a type of block that's not included in that base template. My block type would contain a name (editable text) on the left, a signature (uploadable image) below the name, and a logo (uploadable image) to the right.

How can I create this custom block type, and make it available in my templates?


1 Answer 1


I believe you can use hook_civicrm_mosaicoBaseTemplates() hook to create your own new mosaico block template definition (alternative to versafix-1).

Documentation on how you can use this hook can be found here.



  • 1
    That link does not work. I am surprised at the limited number of blocks provided. How can we add a bunch more? The versafix-1 base does not come close to produce one of my org's standard newsletters. Commented Apr 10, 2020 at 6:46

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