Ok, this is a little difficult to explain, but I'm going to try :)
A customer set up a contribution page for payroll deduction, so they would just select the "Pay Later" payment option, but, for some reason, they didn't select anything for the payment option when setting up the "Contribution Amounts" section. No warnings or anything came up that said it was required to select at least one payment option.
They made the contribution page live and sent it the specific organization for their employees to complete. When we went to pull the report, it had everyone that had completed the contribution form, but the amounts they selected weren't showing at all. Is this because no payment option was selected?
Is it possible to make it a requirement for contribution pages that you have to select some kind of payment option? Whether it be CC or Pay Later?
Hopefully this makes some kind of sense ;)
I really appreciate any info on this one because our customer is frustrated (even though they setup the form without checking with us).
Drupal 7 CiviCRM 4.6.8
If you need any screenshots or anything else, just let me know. :)
Thank You!! Nicole