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Is there a report that shows what is duplicated between contacts ? For example: contacts sharing an email, or a phone number

Is there a report that shows what is duplicated between contacts ? For example: contacts sharing an email, or a phone number. In other words, they have duplicate data, but they are actually not ...
barbaraec's user avatar
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Merge CiviCRM data from D6 to existing D7 database

I need to merge CiviCRM data from a Drupal 6 site into a Drupal 7 site that has an existing CiviCRM installation. The sites are running under Aegir. In both cases the Drupal and CiviCRM tables are in ...
Davy Ivins's user avatar
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Webform Event Registration Match Contact

I have created a webform (Drupal) for people to register for an event. I am trying to avoid creating duplicate individuals if they already exist in Civi when they register, but at the moment whenever ...
Ben's user avatar
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Checking across all email addresses for contact registration

We use Drupal and have a lot of users with more than one email address (but not within the Drupal accounts) - they forget they registered with one email and try to use another to login and failing ...
ChumKui's user avatar
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CiviCRM Contact Information Merging and Overriding Unrelated Users/Donors

Ok, I am going to try and explain this as best I can: I am working with nonprofit to help export their donors for last year, but some of the contacts have their own email address listed as well as ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Allow multiple registrations from the same email address requires a profile of type 'Individual'

Long time ago, we had created event and template for event. We give permission to user to register multiple participant with same email address. Now we have problem with a lot of question link to ...
Nicolas Inghels's user avatar
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Transaction integrity error when merging

I have a vanilla CiviCRM setup which has been running for quite some time. I'm currently running 4.7.14. When attempting to merge records I get a transaction integrity error (see below for ...
Alg's user avatar
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How can I pass CiviCRM first name and last name fields to Drupal API user_save

I am calling the Drupal API "user_save" to create a brand new Drupal user. This does create a new Drupal user. But this user does not have the CiviCRM first name or last name fields set. How can I ...
Sarah Poger Gladstone's user avatar
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Merge all duplicate contacts (running version 3.4.6)

I'm helping out a nonprofit with their CiviCRM. They have thousands upon thousands of duplicate contacts. These contacts are being pulled from an email service, that is sending the same email, ...
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"DB error: already exists" when creating a Drupal user who already exists as a Contact in CiviCRM

I'm running CiviCRM 4.7.10 and Drupal 7.50. I have had a Civi database for a while, but am now wanting to give people front end accounts in order to use some features there. My problem is that when ...
Lewis's user avatar
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User registration creating duplicate contact in CiviCRM

I have a CiviCRM database with lots of contacts some of whom are now going to start creating Drupal accounts. I'm testing the process and have discovered that when I create Drupal user with an email ...
Lewis's user avatar
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It is possible to deduplicate contacts entered in a Webform?

I haven't found this issue in any other topic, sorry if it's been already asked. I'm trying to automatically deduplicate contacts which enter to Civi from a registration Webform, but I haven't found ...
bdjer's user avatar
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Create new contacts every time someone makes a contribution ( with duplicate emails )

Currently, we have a custom profile field on our contribution page named: "Designation" which user need to have, but also we have contributors that make more than one donation and therefore the ...
shrish's user avatar
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Can Drupal Webform Integration update matching contacts

On the CiviCRM profiles you have the ability to set it update matching contact. I don't see this functionality with the Drupal webform CiviCRM Integration module. Is it there and I'm simply missing it?...
spinsheet's user avatar
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