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Is it possible with "Detailed Logging" enabled to perform a revert of a contact merge?

I had a glitch in a script that caused some unwanted contact merges to happen programmatically: $result = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'merge', [ 'to_remove_id' => $existingContactId, 'to_keep_id' => ...
dsmith63's user avatar
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DataTables warning: table id=dupePairs - Ajax error

Getting this error when running any merge rule in Civi 5.10.4. I tracked it down to a 502 ajax request failure triggered by this post: admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fajax%2Fdedupefind&...
CiviDan's user avatar
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Merge contacts deletes left hand user in Wordpress

I'm working with a new membership site and have migrated the data. When members renew, if the email address is different, it creates a new contact, as expected. So I have been merging a few contacts ...
user8292's user avatar
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Contacts Duplicated on Login for Wordpress

We have been facing a recurring issue where Civi is duplicating contacts. We were able to test and confirm that it happens whenever a person logs in, and then another duplicate contact is created ...
user8186's user avatar
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100s of duplicate contacts created of current user when using CiviCRM

I have recently migrated a CiviCRM instance from Joomla to Wordpress, everything went smoothly. The installation is using CiviCRM 5.7.2 and PHP 7.2. We're now seeing a peculiar problem where, when ...
fred2's user avatar
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Caldera Forms (Wordpress) - Handling of Duplicate matching rules

Does anyone know what duplicate matching rules are applied when a contact registers on a website using Caldera Forms to capture the contact details? When using creating a profile in CiviCRM which can ...
Sudesh's user avatar
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CiviEvent backing out of contact change from dedupe rule

Is there a way to "back out" a change caused by a dedupe rule on an event administratively? I see two records with the same name, Person A. I have had a dedupe rule on an Event that was incorrect. I ...
Michele Rizack's user avatar
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DataTables warning on Find and Merge page - Upgraded to 5.0 from 4.7.17

I'm Running Civi 5.0.0 with Wordpress 4.9.5 I'm looking to troubleshoot the following warning. It comes up on the Find and Merge page after select any of my Find and Merge rules - no results are ...
Evan's user avatar
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Exporting deduped information

I need to do a de-dupe on a set of records. Two groups were brought in with different External ID's for each contact. I need to merge the contacts, but export the External ID that was kept and the ...
G H's user avatar
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When users are contributing a duplicate record is created in wordpress

A member when contributing again is not linking to the member but creating a new profile even if name is different? can we have only unique email for member contribution?
Gokulnath Chandrasekaran's user avatar
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Multiple contact entries created for WordPress users if they login with non-primary email addresses

We are running WordPress 4.4.2, CiviCRM 4.6.12, and the CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync and CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync plugins. Whenever someone logs in with a WordPress user ID / email that is not ...
Esther's user avatar
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Wordpress duplicates my contacts

I haven't quite worked out under which circumstances, but our WordPress (4.0.1) and Civi (4.5.2) seems to create duplicate contacts for the same WordPress user. I think it happens when they log in, ...
DenisH's user avatar
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