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Event Registration Error on Wordpress 6.3.1 Civi 5.63.4 "Could not find valid value for id"

We've checked the CiviCRM base page (/civicrm), clean URLs enabled, permalinks set to /%postname%/ and CMS integration settings in Civi System Settings are correct. The "Register" button on ...
Darren's user avatar
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Installation on Backdrop

Has anyone managed to get CiviCRM installed on a LEMP + Backdrop CMS? I have it installed but the screen has nothing actionable. Logs show nothing useful. Is there some nginx config magic required?
Onyx's user avatar
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DataTables warning: table id=dupePairs - Ajax error

Getting this error when running any merge rule in Civi 5.10.4. I tracked it down to a 502 ajax request failure triggered by this post: admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fajax%2Fdedupefind&...
CiviDan's user avatar
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New Install "MYSql Server Has Gone Away"

Good evening, I'm new here and trying to get CiviCRM installed for the first time (volunteer sysadmin for a non-profit). I think I have gone through all of the steps to troubleshoot but I suspect I am ...
DEVIANT's user avatar
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Override CiviCRM contact import timeout using PHP-fpm and Nginx

I'm attempting to override the fpm time out from nginx just for the import. We are importing very large files, and it might take up to a couple hours to complete, so I need to set: ...
johnramsden's user avatar
4 votes
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Migrating Drupal to wordpress redirect existing links

After migrating from Drupal to wordpress links to event info pages for example no longer work - as these have been shared already is there a way to redirect these?
Luke Stewart's user avatar
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Civicrm with Nginx and Joomla - resource URLs and configuration file

Joomla 3.9.2CiviCRM 5.11.0 If I set up nginx to not protect the custom files directory, CiviCRM gives a warning that some files are downloadable. Fair enough. But if I set up nginx to protect the ...
Jern's user avatar
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How to speed up CiviCRM 4.7 php execution time

Anyone have an idea of how to speed up CiviCRM PHP execution time ? I'm an administrator of CiviCRM on Wordpress production set-up, and I find it too slow. I've conducted a little investigation using ...
Elias Sh's user avatar
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Mailings -> New mailing gives 404 Not found (NGINX)

We've nginx installed as a proxy. While attempting to start New Mailing civicrm/mailing/send?reset=1 browser tries to reach civicrm/a/#/mailing/new url, ending with 404 Not Found nginx error. Nginx ...
yurg's user avatar
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Dashboard problem after installing reverse proxy server

We recently tightened up the URLs on the server so that everything now goes through There was initially a problem with the dashboard widgets not loading (just hanging on "...
Jern's user avatar
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Files in the data directory (Upload | Custom)should not be downloadable. (Nginx)

I am running a drupal site on nginx and I have a civicrm set-up on this site. Whenever I login and goto civicrm dashboard, I am getting this warnings. I have tried searching solution for this, not ...
shrish's user avatar
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Issue in sections of civicrm that use /civicrm/.*/#/.* using LEMP

So civicrm case and extensions like simple donate use a path that includes the # character. When running on apache these work fine, but when I moved the site over to nginx, they stopped working. so I ...
Wayne Watson's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Is CiviCRM compatible with Nginx?

If I have PHP installed on nginx, and Wordpress installed too, can I still run CiviCRM as a Wordpress Plugin?
leeand00's user avatar
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