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Questions tagged [printmerge]

This is for issues with Print/Merge Documents

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Tokens in Word Document are Not Merged

I am trying to create a printable form which will have contact details already printed on it. If I create the form in Civi, I cannot insert logos or shapes, but all the tokens merge correctly. If I ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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Upload Image Complains of Missing URL

I am trying to set up a mailmerge template that contains a couple of logos. If I create it in Word first, I can't persuade Civi to merge any of the tokens. If I create it on screen, I can insert ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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'Print/merge documents' action not appearing for searchkit membership searches

I'm running a somewhat complicated subscription management system using memberships for subscriptions. We have multiple membership types and membership organisations. It is likely that subscribers ...
Chris Giddings's user avatar
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Badge for volonteers

My organization would like to print badges for volunteers with name surname and birth day. Unfortunately I don't think I'm expert enough to understand how CiviCRM can do this. I would like to ask the ...
Alberto Olivucci's user avatar
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"malformed locale" error when merging document

We're using CiviCase as a project tracker and document generator. It has been working fine, but I had to recently move the site to a new server. The directory structure, domain, database all stayed ...
kapn's user avatar
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HTML templates not working after upgrade from Drupal 7 with dompdf 1.2.1 to D9 with dompdf 2.0.3

In our Drupal 7 CiviCRM system I created HTML templates to produce PDFs that precisely positioned text on an A4 sheet (such as a tear-off return coupon and mailing address for a window envelope). This ...
de Oldphart's user avatar
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error "Cannot add TextRun in TextRun." when generating docx file in CiviCase

I have customized CiviCase for a client who is using it to manage project grants. Things have gone pretty well overall. There are many custom fields and several related document templates in use. &...
kapn's user avatar
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Print/Merge document printed on top of each other

I am trying to create a template for a Donation-Thank-You letter for one of our clients. So far so good and it works and looks fine if you print one letter at a time. Of course, to be efficient, our ...
jrock's user avatar
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Tokens in Mass Mail Attachements

How can I use tokens in Mass Mail attachements? For example, I would like to add .docx or .pdf as attachement that already contains tokens in text and then let CiviCRM replace them for each contact ...
Aleksandar Gligorijević's user avatar
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Print/Merge document .docx format download not working with sample civimail newsletter template

The docx format and odt format are not working or showing blank document when a complex tempate or the default template is chosed "Sample Civimail newsletter template" itself is not working.
user8931's user avatar
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Word upload function in print/merge

CiviCRM 5.27.5, Drupal 7.72 I've been attempting to use the print/merge function with no success. I've tried both .docx and .odt, which the help text says are valid file formats. However, when I ...
Lesley Carter - BackOffice's user avatar
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Print/Merge Template Challenge

I have a word doc (ODT) that uses Tokens and works fine when I am in and choose the file from my device to Print/Merge - it creates a beautiful merged document. When I go to message template and ...
Josh Mailman's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use Word upload in Print/Merge function?

Can anybody kindly help me to understand how to use the Word upload function in the Print/Merge window? I have tried to insert the CiviCRM tokens into the Word file before uploading the file and ...
Webmaster du Bouclier's user avatar
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How do use upload function for mail merge with Word

After many researchs on Internet, I have not found an answer to how to use the upload function, in order to do a mail merge based on an existing Word document. Print/Merge document has an option to ...
Webmaster du Bouclier's user avatar
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Timeout with Print/Merge document

I'm getting a timeout (504 gateway timeout) when I try and preview a Print/Merge Document with more than 40 contacts in it. First attempt was with a Membership search, but also tried turning that into ...
Mick Kahn's user avatar
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