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3 votes

Bounce Handling with Amazon SES/SNS

I've created an extension to handle bounces through Amazon SNS notifications, see civicrm-ses. It exposes a webhook to process SNS notifications and map and create bounces when appropriate. Hope you ...
Andrei's user avatar
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3 votes

AMAZON SES Rate Limit Question

I've used Amazon SES for a similar sized mailing list to you for a client. I was confused initially and then surprised when they gave me a 14/s send limit. However, when you work it out that's just ...
Matthew Wire's user avatar
2 votes

Does Using CiviMail for mailing lists on AWS violate the AWS Terms of Service?

"Probably, no." This seems to be a legal question, and CiviCRM is a tool. CiviCRM provides a lot of support for not violating those terms ... but someone could still contrive ways to break the ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
2 votes

Tips for troubleshooting email performance

I found the culprit. It was CiviRules. In the system, a rule configured on activity with a complicated test. For every e-mail sent, a mass mail activity is created and the activity rule fires. ...
Kainuk - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

Mail Accounts, bounce processing: Failed to connect to the server: sounds like an OUTBOUND mail server, so probably doesn't have IMAP open. You'll need to look up the right imap server for your account. Maybe it's one of these: ...
Demerit's user avatar
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On sending test for mailing, I get : "Could not identify any recipients. Perhaps your test group is empty..."

After setting Enable Debugging, ConfigAndLog showed this error : code: 554, response: Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: b....
Hank's user avatar
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How to send Amazon SES bounce notifcation emails to civiCRM bounce processing email address?

I've figured it out now. I'd not understood that bounce processing works only with bulk emails and not with 'transactional' emails. All works fine if you know this!
dgk112's user avatar
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Does CiviMail SMTP work with Amazon AWS SES?

It was pretty easy to setup and use and have the sending rates increased by Amazon - my average bill for sending about 10k emails a month from 2 domains is about $1 and using the service with domain ...
Josh Mailman's user avatar
1 vote

Is an SPF Record required to get CiviCRM to work with Amazon SES? (1and1 hosting)

An SPF record is recommended, but not the cause of the above error. That error message indicates failure to make a network connection from CiviCRM's mail library to the configured SMTP server. ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
1 vote

How to use Amazon Simple Email Service for only verified email sender addresses

I have a similar setup, but I have solved this outside CiviCRM. In CiviCRM, I configured the mail() send option. The effect is that the mail is routed by the local Mail Transport Agent. On my system, ...
Kainuk - CiviCooP's user avatar

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