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5 votes

How to setup bounced processing on CiviCRM for a Gsuite account?

So I just ran into a similar issue. Our bounce handling stopped a few months ago and nobody noticed. We also use GSuite, and our email address appears in a similar fashion in the log. I thought it ...
LMK Web's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a way to find out why an email address is 'on hold'?

Yes - you want the "Bounce Report". Click on Reports menu » Mailing Reports, select Bounce Report. In "Columns", check the "Bounce Reason" checkbox, and ideally "Bounce Type" as well.
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

How do I deal with a stuck bounce/email-to-activity queue?

There are two options. If you have access to the bounce mailbox, log in manually and move the problematic email to the "CiviMail.ignored" folder (or just delete it). If you don't have ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

CiviMail - Bounces with "Failed to set sender"

Turns out I needed to enable masquerading on my server which "allows users and apps to send emails with an arbitrary username in the FROM address." I am now able to send through CiviMail. I ...
Justin Young's user avatar
3 votes

Bounce Handling with Amazon SES/SNS

I've created an extension to handle bounces through Amazon SNS notifications, see civicrm-ses. It exposes a webhook to process SNS notifications and map and create bounces when appropriate. Hope you ...
Andrei's user avatar
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3 votes

Transactional email bounce tracking

I'm not sure what fixed it, but I deleted my civi and browser caches, reinstalled the extension, and refreshed my view and transactional emails showed up and it works wonderfully, thanks Fuzion!
John Hampton's user avatar
3 votes

Issue getting Email for Bounce Processing

The issue is likely at the server networking level. If you have access to that server (via SSH or similar), I would try installing the swaks utility to troubleshoot. swaks might even be premature ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Can't send or test bulk mail, but test mail succeeds in System Settings / Outbound email / SMTP

The symptom as you describe it seems to be that any mail sent via CiviMail will fail immediately and will cause the recipient to be marked as bounced. CiviMail knows when the remote mail system ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
2 votes

Issue getting Email for Bounce Processing

Gmail likes you to go in and turn on the "Allow less secure apps" setting, if you haven't done that yet. They aren't so clear about what exactly makes the app less secure according to Google, but they ...
guyiac's user avatar
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2 votes

Group - Added (by Email) - how do i prevent this?

Added (by Email) is normally added when a contact is added to the group using a subscription URL provided in any mail. It is basically used to know how a contact was added to the group. This ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
2 votes

Bounce Mail Retention Policy in Civi

We integrated that into an extension, found here at github. Retention can be configured in days for each folder. Extension is still alpha, handle with care.
Phil_B's user avatar
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2 votes

100% mailing have bounced : validation failed for <(INVALID)>

So I found the problem. Thanks to @HomoTechsual who lead me in the right direction. The reason had been found in the Settings - Outbound Mail. It was set to mail() with a success message : Your ...
Ichi's user avatar
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2 votes

Bounce processing is not switching the Primary email after marking an Email "On Hold"

Not a simple solution, but the best I've found to this long-time annoyance. Using Searchkit, you can set up a saved search for contacts with a primary email on hold bounce, who have a second email ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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CiviCRM not recognizing bounces

Assuming that you have correctly added an mail account for bounce handling in CiviCRM Mail Accounts and have enabled bounce processing for scheduled jobs (you said you had so that bit was more to help ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
2 votes

Bounces not reaching bounce account

The key to getting bounces sent to the right account is the Email Domain of the Mail Account that you've configured for Bounce Processing. The emails that are sent out use that domain for the "...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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2 votes

Civimail keeps boucing

Turns out since I was logged in as a user with a gmail associated with it, it was trying to send the email with my gmail email rather than my domain I had set up as the outbound email address. My ...
user15536's user avatar
1 vote

Mail Accounts, bounce processing: Failed to connect to the server: sounds like an OUTBOUND mail server, so probably doesn't have IMAP open. You'll need to look up the right imap server for your account. Maybe it's one of these: ...
Demerit's user avatar
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1 vote

How do you find the detailed status of emails on Civimail bounce processing?

The Bounce Report lets you add Bounce Reason in the columns and as a Filter. Perhaps that is what you are after. ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I increase the rate at which the 'fetch bounce' job works

Here is one approach - modify /civicrm/CRM/Utils/Mail/EmailProcessor.php so it has multiple iterations specified (in example below = 40) then run via drush cvapi Job.fetch_bounces around line 178 ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

How to setup civicrm to handle bounces?

Here's a quick recipe on how to set up bounce processing: In your email setup, create an email address that is the 'catch-all' for returned emails. In cPanel this is called 'Default Address' and I ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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1 vote

How to setup civicrm to handle bounces?

Here is the documentation to setup bounces in Civi. Also there are various third party mail providers available that captures bounces and for most of them extension are available in CiviCRM to record ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Can I use CiviRules to send a notification to the administrator when an email gets bounced?

I don't think you can do this (at least without development). Most significantly, there isn't any trigger from within the bulk mail system in Civirules so you would not be able to catch the bounces ...
Mick Kahn's user avatar
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How to send Amazon SES bounce notifcation emails to civiCRM bounce processing email address?

I've figured it out now. I'd not understood that bounce processing works only with bulk emails and not with 'transactional' emails. All works fine if you know this!
dgk112's user avatar
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1 vote

Bounce pattern - SMTP Error Codes

This has been implemented in this extension. Currently a bit static, but patterns for smtp (enhanced and simple) as well as some german away patterns can be easily added. Extension is alpha at the ...
Phil_B's user avatar
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1 vote

CiviMail and Sparkpost Bounces Not Updating email address "On Hold"

There's a forum discussion here which I think helps towards the answer. If you look at the table civicrm_mailing_bounce_type there's a threshold of 3 for bounce type 'Syntax'. I just encountered a ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I get Civimail to deliver emails instead of bouncing them?

Issue solved! Somehow I had changed the setting in the (one) mail account in Civimail (Administer -> Mail accounts). The "Used For" field had been set to "Email to activity processing" instead of "...
6jam's user avatar
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1 vote

Why aren't bounced 'normal' emails reported?

Fuzion has undertaken some work recently to address this. The work is still underway but we expect to publish as an extension when this is completed.
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k

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