Drupal 9 Views: rich text fields render with all HTML tags visible
Based on feedback from Skvare's Mark Hanna on chat.civicrm.org you need to rewrite the field output, using the _value version and add |raw in the twig.
For the event description field, this looks like:...
How to increase the size of a Note field type?
you can update the field type from text to longtext
ALTER TABLE `civicrm_value_table_name` MODIFY `field_name` LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL;
how to copy data from one custom field to another (text to textarea)
To find the correct table(s), you need to know the id of the custom field as well as the id of the custom group it's in.
Go to Administer menu » Customize Data and Screens » Custom Fields
Click View ...
How do we create and manage general content pages
This is a difficult question to answer because there'll be multiple opinions, but here's one:
An analogy is buying a car that only does car functions, like driving from to A to B, with no additional ...
Event Confirmation Window - Formatting Issue: Text not wrapping
I'm guessing the CSS property white-space is set to "nowrap" on the label. If not that, some other CSS class or property is messing that up. If you can share the URL, I can take a look at ...
Event Confirmation Window - Formatting Issue: Text not wrapping
I'm no Joomla expert, but part of the problem is that you have some very long names for your custom fields. One way round this would be to use much shorter names for the fields and add more detail ...
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