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7 votes

CiviEvent - Error when registering: Could not find valid value for id

I stumbled on this issue on CiviCRM 5.44 sites on WordPress, and the issue was that the site did not have "Clean URLs" enabled, since it was using an old civicrm.settings.php. Make sure that ...
bgm's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I move registration to another event

This is not possible via the UI. There is a table civicrm_participant_payment which links the Participant and the Contribution records. If you have access to that, and know the contribution_id then ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
7 votes

In CiviEvent, can the answer to one question reveal additional questions?

This feature is called "conditional visibility". Standard CiviEvent registration does not have this feature. There are several ways to accomplish this, but unfortunately most aren't really ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
6 votes

How to enter event registrations after event has ended

It looks like you set end dates not just on the event, but on the price fields as well. If so, you can remove the end dates from the price fields and that should fix your issue. Public registration ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
5 votes

CiviEvent - Past event participants -> bulk register to new event

I was able to search for these participants through Search>Advanced Search and use the Event Tab below instead, you should be able to see an Action of "Register Participants for Events" after ...
Clement Leong's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to restrict event registration to members?

This extension allows you to restrict online registration to certain events to logged in members only but still have other events open to the public. The extension allows you to set a flag to any ...
Anil's user avatar
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4 votes

Complex event creation

Welcome to CiviCRM SE! If I understand your scenario correctly there are three time slots and you want participants to choose a session in each one. You can accomplish this with a single price set ...
KilakwaBT's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I show a list of events with summaries and either a register link or message saying they are full?

As with many problems with Drupal integration civcrm_entity is the answer. Install the latest civicrm_entity module for Drupal in the usual way (Recommend using Drush if you can).You'll also need to ...
joewickert's user avatar
4 votes

Manual Event Registration problems

just wondering - you are saying Profiles - are you absolutely certain you aren't referring to a 'group of custom fields'. This would make sense if you have added lots of groups of custom fields and ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
4 votes

Fatal error - unable to register for events with Smarty3 enabled

The stacktrace says it's trying to load a smarty2 plugin. I'd guess your event registration email message template has |date_format in it. Consider updating it to |crmDate if possible, since |...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
3 votes

Web registration in CiviCRM

This is easy to achieve if your website is built using Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla, as CiviCRM integrates with all three of these content management systems. Having installed CiviCRM (https://wiki....
Graham's user avatar
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3 votes

Blocking Registration of other participant

To do the same, I use 2 Webforms : one public (authenticated users) which is limited to their own registration (existing contact hidden) one, almost identical, reserved to an administrative role ...
Jacques-Marie Moranne's user avatar
3 votes

how to get participant id on registration thank-you page

the following did the trick - works in this situation well enough as we only allow registering one participant: {$participantIDs.0} The above grabs the participant ID of the first (and only in our ...
MtnPavlas's user avatar
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3 votes

Check Payment processor is not working for CIVIEVENT

If you need the payment through "Cheque" you don't need to enable payment processor - All you need is to enable "is pay later" option in your event config page - Payment processor are used only when ...
Ramesh - ARTECH Consultancy's user avatar
3 votes

How to add a 'Confirm Email Address' to an event registration form

If you’re on Drupal create your event registration with webform_civicrm module and you can do just that Here’s an example:
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
3 votes

Prevent automatic login after registration

You're running into the effects of this code which automatically logs the user in. Unfortunately there's no way to override this code at the moment - except to override the class file itself by ...
Christian Wach's user avatar
3 votes

Prevent automatic login after registration

Thanks a lot guys. You got me on the right way and I looked for a wordpress solution instead of a civi one. I just added the following bits of code to my function.php file (in the child theme) to get ...
Tuto's user avatar
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3 votes

CiviEvent Mass Participant Registration - Blank Page

This is a recent regression. A fix has been merged for 5.33 (RC) and the upcoming 5.32.2.
Tim Otten's user avatar
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3 votes

Fatal error - unable to register for events with Smarty3 enabled

Note that 5.69.5 now has a blank text version of the offline event template. We have removed almost all the text versions in 5.70 - if there is no blank version a text version is generated at the ...
eileen's user avatar
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2 votes

Enable multiple event registration for same purchaser/participant

In 'manage event' you may be able to check "register multiple participants" and "same email address" if you have a pretty simple event setup. It's a bit clunky but if the same name is used with the ...
Eli Lisseck's user avatar
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2 votes

CiviEvent: missing are Total Fees, Payment Method

Go to Administer / Systems Settings / Resource URL's Change CiviCRM Resource URL from using URL variable to absolute path, i.e. replace [civicrm.root] with the specific path for the site. ** This is a ...
Karen-Ann's user avatar
  • 406
2 votes

Unable to create Joomla user account through CiviCRM profile

This issue is coming in case of multilingual site. To resolve this issue , go to Root/components/com_users/models/registration.php,near line no. 307 find below mentioned code if (...
Manisha Ranawat's user avatar
2 votes

API for Event Registration with Custom Fields?

Okay, I just figured it out. I just need to chain the API call with CustomValue create: CRM.api3('Participant', 'create', { "debug": 1, "sequential": 1, "event_id": 145, "contact_id": 2, "...
Sleewok's user avatar
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2 votes

Blocking Registration of other participant

This won't prevent the link from being offered, but you can deny permission once it's clicked (and use your own conditional logic) by implementing hook_civicrm_permission_check and checking for the ...
Aiden's user avatar
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2 votes

Blocking Registration of other participant

I did found a different approach for removing option to registered additional member I did by creating a Page run hook (civicrm Extension) with the below condition function example_civicrm_pageRun(&...
Ramesh - ARTECH Consultancy's user avatar
2 votes

CiviEvent with Sub-events and Conference Slots - how to....?

Sub-events and Conference Slots seem to be part of the Event Cart functionality. There is some documentation here: CiviEvent Cart Checkout That page needs updating since CRM-8705 referenced there ...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.7k
2 votes

CiviEvent - front end registration error page - permissions or something else

OK, found out what this was. There is a new check box in CiviContribute Components Settings 'Enable Access Control by Financial Type' In the users system this was checked. I don't know whether an ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes

404 errors for loading CSS on Event pages (Wordpress)

It looks like you have WP installed in it's own directory as per The short answer is that this is not (yet) supported by CiviCRM. We've ...
Kevin Cristiano's user avatar
2 votes

Wordpress user registration only through CiviCRM

It looks like you could do the following: Disable registrations in WordPress entirely (instructions in this SE question), OR Add a WordPress hook implementation in a custom module which prevents ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
2 votes

WP Install: Event registration - registered by participant id

Late to the party here, I know - but we ended up writing code to extend the report to add a "Registered by Contact Name" column to the output here. Happy to share this code if it's still ...
Marcus J Wilson's user avatar

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