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7 votes

Credit card fields do not show after updating

I needed to delete everything inside the sites/default/files/civicrm/templates_c/ directory; rm -R sites/default/files/civicrm/templates_c/*
Christia's user avatar
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5 votes

Having error in contribution page after upgrade to 4.7.29

This is a known bug and is documented and fixed at CRM-21595. You will need to apply the patch to fix the problem or will need to wait for 4.7.30 release.
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
5 votes

Random Stripe Webhook Issues

I think the new version tries to create the webhook automatically. Maybe if it already exists in the Stripe account it can't create it -- have you tried deleting the webhooks in the Stripe account and ...
Laryn's user avatar
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5 votes

How to fix stripe webhook settings?

I would follow the instructions on screen: Log in to your Stripe account, go to the Webhooks section Delete the existing webhook (on live and testing sides) Come back to CiviCRM and use the "Update/...
Laryn's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add additional custom translation for a payment processor?

Just after starting the bounty i have found what i was looking for: To merge two .po files you'll need to use some shell magic. I did the following: extract the original file to a .po ...
Volker's user avatar
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4 votes

Can someone help me fix a "greyed out" save button for a new contribution?

This is likely to be a resource URL issue - the way these fields are calculated has changed in CiviCRM 4.7. Please look at Administer menu » System Settings » Resource URLs and Administer menu » ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Add transaction fee

Have you checked out ? Great extension
netzih's user avatar
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4 votes

Which payment processors support refunding payments from within CiviCRM?

I know it's not helpful for figuring out who did it in the past, but in-app refunds is a feature that Alice has written for TSYS that we'll be including in the next major version. There is some ...
Andie Hunt's user avatar
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3 votes

Quality assurance considerations for membership signups

I strongly prefer the approach of having a $1 membership type set up, and testing it with real cards and real money. For $2-3 I get full piece of mind that things are working. I generally only need to ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
3 votes

Best way to write module for 'unusual' payment gateway

What you are describing is not unusual and is within the range of processes that CiviCRM can handle. See here for some details:
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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3 votes

Webform CiviCRM not showing credit card payment fields

TLDR; I've created a patched repo for easier download: cd <your_drupal_7_docroot> cd sites/all/modules/contrib/ rm -rf webform_civicrm git clone ...
Young-Jin Kim's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a CiviCRM payment processor extension to support Square?

It might not be too hard to implement the omnipay version, there's a contributed plugin for that here: If you want to take this route, here'...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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3 votes

Where to change details on payment processor?

If you want the exact filename of the text, you can simply grep inside the civicrm directory - $ grep -rl "If you have a PayPal account" templates/ templates/CRM/Financial/Form/PaypalPro.tpl Which ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
3 votes

Fatal error using Paypal in Version 4.7.29

You're experiencing the bug documented at CRM-21595. You will need to apply the patch or wait for CiviCRM 4.7.30. Most people won't experience this bug if they disable "Pay Later" as an option.
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

How do I set up recurring donations with Stripe?

I had a similar issue, not sure if it's the same but I applied this patch to correct:
Keith Webb's user avatar
3 votes

Check Payment processor is not working for CIVIEVENT

If you need the payment through "Cheque" you don't need to enable payment processor - All you need is to enable "is pay later" option in your event config page - Payment processor are used only when ...
Ramesh - ARTECH Consultancy's user avatar
3 votes

South African Rand Payment Processor

While Stripe can accept payments in ZAR, they are currently unable to payout in that currency. Thus, they effectively cannot support operations entirely in ZAR.
K.Hansen's user avatar
3 votes

Which Payment Processor should we use?

There likely isn't one clear winner here. But has been my go-to recently. That and PayPal Pro are built-in to Civi out of the box. The Stripe payment processor extension is operating ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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3 votes

Which Payment Processor should we use?

The key to selecting a Payment Processor is the functionality you’re looking for. The iATS extension is probably the single-most sophisticated payment-processing integration (for US/CA) - especially ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
3 votes

Why can't I create a payment processor in multisite?

Are you using the same payment processor naming for both? You must give it a unique name.
Andy Burns's user avatar
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Payment Processor. MD5 Hash Removal/Disablement from Authorize.Net

Thanks to your question, the immediate issue has been resolved. Issue financial#39 removes MD5 hashing from CiviCRM starting with the March release. Note that Authorize.Net is removing the ability ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Steps to move from paypal to Stripe?

You would need to reach out to Paypal and Stripe directly to ask them about how to initiate the process of transferring your recurring giving. I would suggest inventorying your existing recurring ...
Lesley Carter - BackOffice's user avatar
3 votes

PayPal Pro IPN returns 403 error

Having reviewed this I believe that your Paypal is possibly configured to point to an older version of the IPN path. You can change this yourself within your Paypal account, the docs I can see ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Geocoding Provider Error

Like William says, the error is due to the geocoding, which may even be happening after the contribution completes. Your system is trying to geocode with the domain which ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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3 votes

Stripe/GoCardless Payment Processor payouts - Accounts reconciliation

The most common approach to reconciliation is to update contributions within the CRM with the identifier from the payment processor. For Stripe we have a few approaches, our most recent is the payout ...
Parvez Saleh's user avatar
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3 votes

Which payment processors support refunding payments from within CiviCRM?

CiviCRM Core doesn't support refunds via the payment processor extension/plugin, though there's a detailed spec here: Any ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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3 votes

Does integration require the use of "Webhooks" instead of "Silent Post"?

You want to use the authnet extension instead which uses webhooks and not a silent post URL. Here is the setup guide and if you are migrating from legacy core authnet. The webhooks are created ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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3 votes

Permission Error when using Stripe payment process as unauthenticated user

In the documentation at it says To accept payments the user must have the following permissions as a minimum: access Ajax API make online ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I display detailed error code info from civicrm_system_log in the Civi interface?

I might be on deep water here, but I would propose this workflow: You create a new CiviRules trigger to trigger on System_log created. That would probably be as simple(?!) as to copy another trigger ...
Flying's user avatar
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2 votes

Best way to write module for 'unusual' payment gateway

CiviCRM's payment processing is much improved, but there may be some "baked in" assumptions about how things look which don't match new processor interfaces. That said, what you describe sounds a lot ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar

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