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Need to change membership inheritance

Just sharing that we have developed and released a CiviCRM extension which solves this problem, see Membership ...
Justin Freeman - Agileware's user avatar
4 votes

Cleaning up legacy contributions so that renewals happen as expected

This is not a fun task, but at least I made a tool to make it pretty. If you install Uh-Oh troubleshooting extension it includes a diagnosis page at Support » Map Contributions which lets you specify ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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Can members pay renew fees early?

If they renew early, it should just extend their membership. (e.g. if it is an annual membership and they have 2 months left when they renew, they should have 14 months on their membership afterwards)....
Laryn's user avatar
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4 votes

How can you edit the end date for an auto-renew membership?

I've raised this as issue #1126 in GitLab. From the discussion, it appears that this was implemented as a 'feature' in the past but it is unclear why this was necessary. Hopefully this issue will be ...
William Mortada's user avatar
3 votes

What link/token would work in a Scheduled (renewal) Reminder that would allow a person with an existing recurring payment to click and cancel it

Technically it's possible to do using a token processor hook. Each membership is linked to contribution recur via civicrm_membership.contribution_recur_id so if you are using Membership entity for ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Pausing a autorenewal membership

In general, auto-recurring memberships are generated via an auto-recurring payment, whose mechanism depends on the payment processor, and most especially on whether the recurring payment schedule is ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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3 votes

Where is the mailing template for the automated membership renewal reminder

Maybe you can find it in Schedule Reminders. Go to Administer -> Communications -> Schedule Reminders or use http://<server>/civicrm/admin/scheduleReminders?reset=1
Kainuk - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

automatic payments in installments?

On a contribution page, it is possible to set the 'recurring' to 'offer installments: "Give the user a choice of installments (e.g. donate every month for 6 months)? If not, recurring donations will ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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2 votes

How can you edit the end date for an auto-renew membership?

An interesting workaround is you can make a profile that includes the membership end date for bulk updating memberships, then edit the membership end date there, and save. It won't throw an error. Not ...
Zachary's user avatar
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How do I automatically check the autorenewal option by default on a membership contribution page?

For a site using CiviCRM profiles you can opt to use Joinery's Profile Conditionals extension and adapt the conditions to which you want this behavior to occur. For it be checked with any price field ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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2 votes

Automatically renew Free Membership

So far as I know, autorenew is driven by the payment processor: Stripe, PayPal, GoCardless etc determine that a new payment is due based on the payment schedule that has been setup. They charge the ...
2 votes

When a membership is created by webform, is it possible to automatically have it set to auto-renew?

You need to enable RECURRING CONTRIBUTION in your webform settings under CiviCRM >> Contribution section.
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

CiviMember - end_date not updating after automatic renewal

The end date should update immediately, when the payment is processed and a contribution is created in CiviCRM. This doesn't require a cron job. I suggest you check to see that the contributions are ...
William Mortada's user avatar
1 vote

Turn Off Auto-Renewal For a Specific Member

If a membership is auto-renew than it should be linked to recurring contribution(See under contribution tab >> recurring tab). To turn off auto-renew for a membership, you can either Cancel the ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

How do I automatically check the autorenewal option by default on a membership contribution page?

Unless things have changed I believe this requires a customisation. We did one a while back. I will check what effort is involved in getting it extracted in to an extension if there is not one 'out ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I update the text seen on a membership payment page when the autorenwal option is provided?

You could use the word replacement function to do so. It is described in the CiviCRM documentation here. Sometimes a text is composed of more than one string which means that you would have to do ...
Fabian's user avatar
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How can you edit the end date for an auto-renew membership?

You can probably still change it via the API - specify the new end date on the existing membership, but that may have unintended consequences. How did you do the refund? What status is the ...
Aidan's user avatar
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1 vote

Change or turn off the auto renew cancellation system email

This looks to me like text from the Recurring Start and End notification... did you check there perchance?
Lesley Carter - BackOffice's user avatar
1 vote

Can we have a "week" option for the membership type duration unit?

We could do an extension for you, consistent with LExIM strategy, to implement this, Graham. Ping me at joe dot murray at jmaconsulting dot biz.
Joe Murray's user avatar
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Can members pay renew fees early?

If you are using memberships with fixed dates (e.g. calendar year memberships), then there is a setting "Fixed Period Rollover Day" that will control at which point a membership for the following ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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1 vote

Membership -Turn Renewal Reminders Off (only for certain contacts)

Thank you A Davidson and Peter for your ideas. After doing some more digging (did not find this post before), I came across this post, explaining how to limit the recipients of a scheduled reminder to ...
FWHH's user avatar
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