Problem with CiviRules 2.13 Field Value Comparison
Try after applying patch from here on latest version of rules.
Conditional relationships?
To handle this, you would have to write an extension. I would use hook_civicrm_pre on the Relationship entity (operation is "create", maybe "edit" too if households tend to shift?).
Do two API calls ...
Conditional relationships?
Another approach worth considering is the use of custom fields on the Relationship. You can add a Custom Field for Proxy Shopper, on to the Household Member relationship, and if Willow lets you know ...
What is the best way to create a conditional question in case activities?
CiviCRM does not have a built-in way to create conditional fields in its forms. You mentioned Drupal Webforms and yes they could solve that problem for you if you were open to using a webform instead.
How do mixed AND and OR in CiviRules Conditions work?
They do not. You can only use a combination of AND or a combination of OR, you can not mix them.
If you want a complicated condition you might contemplate building you own condition, documentation on ...
How do I automatically check the autorenewal option by default on a membership contribution page?
For a site using CiviCRM profiles you can opt to use Joinery's Profile Conditionals extension and adapt the conditions to which you want this behavior to occur.
For it be checked with any price field ...
How can I use CiviRules to update case status based on age of case (set to inactive or similar)
This is old but I was having the same problem and found the solution (at least for the "Activity is added" trigger. Using the "Case activity is added" trigger works with the action ...
How can I use CiviRules to update case status based on age of case (set to inactive or similar)
You probably hit upon a bug in CiviRules. I would assume that case actions should work with this trigger. What you can do report a bug at https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/civirules and if you are ...
How do I automatically check the autorenewal option by default on a membership contribution page?
Unless things have changed I believe this requires a customisation. We did one a while back. I will check what effort is involved in getting it extracted in to an extension if there is not one 'out ...
Webform Conditional - 'set to' membership type
Enter the Membership Type ID and that will display the correct value in the webform.
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