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5 votes

WordPress group sync - after migrating from Drupal

how do I deal with the leftover user IDs attached to contact records? Clear your civicrm_uf_match table except for your own record - i.e. the one that has your User ID and Contact ID. You'll then ...
Christian Wach's user avatar
4 votes

Syncing CIVI CRM and Mailchimp

There are several CiviCRM-MailChimp integrations. The two still in common use are Mailchimpsync and Mailchimp CiviCRM integration. That said, it's been a long time since I've had a client use these ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
1 vote

How to disable automatic user syncing with Wordpress

I won't repeat the technique through which you can prevent CiviCRM creating a Contact when a User is created since that's available in the SE post you link to - but what I can do is recommend ...
Christian Wach's user avatar
1 vote

Joomla 2 CiviCRM User Sync: synching Community Builder multi-value custom fields?

For the text separator you can use it in sql as CHAR(1), and can use CONCAT() to combine with other strings.
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
1 vote

Drupal 8 version of CiviVRM Membership Roles Sync?

There is a alpha version for d8( which seems to be working for me.
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Issues with Civi Member Sync and Groups Plugin

As far as I can tell from your screenshots, Groups is either (1) not installed or (2) not configured. Here's what you should see: Note the extra column which shows the Groups groups.
Christian Wach's user avatar
1 vote

Can multiple websites be synchronized under the same CRM installation

It is possible to have a single civicrm wired to several CMS instances. There is some documentation here There are hurdles to get over, ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.7k
1 vote

WordPress: Creating new WP Users from CiViCRM Contacts

How i would do is Export contacts with email address that want to be user. Install Wordpress export/import user plugin. Change the un-supervised dedupe rule to have only email address Import users ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Any new functionality to sync smart groups to Drupal roles?

It works just fine for us. We are on Civi 5.8 and Drupal 7.x.
richardsplayground's user avatar

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