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Use APIv4 to change Case Manager role and to add another role as well

Some of these API calls get complicated, and I am unable to figure out the following... I am able to create a new case using the APIv4 as follows (client contact_id=3175): $results = civicrm_api4('...
jsherk's user avatar
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Can rename(AS) a column/field from SELECT using APIv4

I want to rename the column/fields I am retreiving in the SELECT statement. Best way to ask this is by showing an example... Given this select call: $contacts = civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [ '...
jsherk's user avatar
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Do strings used in API version 4 need to be escaped?

When running something like this: $result = civicrm_api4('Event', 'get', [ 'select' => ['id'], 'where' => [ ['OR', [ ['title', 'LIKE', $keyword], [...
marcelo2605's user avatar
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Can't store is_confirmation_enabled via API

I can't for the life of me store the value of is_confirmation_enabled for creating a new event via API. This is in a PHP file that creates new events on the front end of Joomla based on input ...
MtnPavlas's user avatar
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Use Order API or use APIv4?

I am using a script that creates a MembershipPayment to connect an existing Membership to an existing Contribution (bugfix for CiviSepa). This script produces the following error: Deprecated: Not ...
emma's user avatar
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Api get all option within sub entity

get all options from a sub entity named payment_instrument within a entity called OptionGroup
James's user avatar
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API 4 problem while running composer

everybody. Since the installation of CiviCRM I have problems in composer. Another installation, on the same VPS, is not causing any problems. The website is a Drupal based one (9.5.10) I started it ...
Alessandro Bronzo's user avatar
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Invalid field 'contact_id.is_deceased' Apiv4

CiviCRM 5.61.2., wordpress. Hovering over icons on search results page brings "where was an error processing your request.." message and Invalid field 'contact_id.is_deceased' message ...
yurg's user avatar
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CiviCRM: access AJAX API not respected in Wordpress

CiviCRM 5.58.1, vanilla WordPress 6.1.1 with the default theme. Both CiviCRM: access AJAX API and CiviCRM: access CiviCRM backend and API are checked. Still, executing CRM.api4('Contact', '...
yurg's user avatar
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api pull custom field value based on id not label

Using API 4 (php), how do I retreive a custom field value for a specific contact, using the custom field id instead of the custom field name. This works (for contact with id=1234), but requires the ...
jsherk's user avatar
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APIv4 Base URL for external applications

I am trying to write an external app with python, that should make a call to the CiviCRM's APIv4 to get a list of contacts & relationships. I am using CiviCRM's with Wordpress and debian 11. ...
Rafa Gomez's user avatar
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API v4 REST on Wordpress not returning any data

Problem: I am attempting to use my CiviCRM instance's API v4 REST endpoint to get and post data. I eventually want to script tasks like importing new contacts and event registrations using Python, but ...
SunriseGV's user avatar
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Is the use of API4 already recommended?

I am currently working on a custom module for CiviCRM (5.48) and Drupal 9 (9.3.9) I opted to use API4 but I notice that some things are missing compared to API3: Contribution -> ...
Wouter H.'s user avatar
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API4 PHP Fatal error Uncaught API_Exception Authorization failed

So I was happily programming and testing away, and everything was working and then suddenly I started getting this error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught API_Exception: [0]: Authorization failed thrown ...
jsherk's user avatar
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Using API4 to get contact based on email match

The API Explorer is excellent for testing proper queries, but I can not figure out how to get a contact based on matching email address. For example, I can get a contact based on a partial match of ...
jsherk's user avatar
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Make API queries - two methods failing

I'm trying to query my data for records with a given firstname/lastname pair (see Map firstname-lastname pairs to IDs for some previous context) using a couple different methods, and failing. API4 The ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
4 votes
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Finding contacts without relationships (API)

How can I find contacts using the APIv4 that don't have any relationships of a specific type? I want the first n contacts ordered by a date field meeting various conditions excluding those with a ...
Aidan's user avatar
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