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Contribution: How to create membership with contribution?

I have tried to created a profil with field that are coming from different data group but it's telling me that I can't mix the data group ''organisation'' and ''contact''. So I have decide to create ...
Caroline de Alcala's user avatar
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CIVICRM: Custom Field that uses financial type id

I'm new to Civicrm PHP and extension development so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. ^-^ I'm making an extension that creates a new custom field group, the custom field group is meant to ...
BellaDoll's user avatar
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Add a Financial Type to Existing Custom Field Profile

Years ago, when we started using CiviCRM, I added a custom field to the New Contribution dialog on the backend of Civi (we're using it on WordPress, if that makes any difference). I'm not asking about ...
RiverRunner's user avatar
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Certain fields missing from profile when viewing contribution page as anonymous versus logged-in user

I'm including a profile in the configuration of a contribution page to collect information about UK Gift Aid eligibility and the preferences of the donor to sign up to various newsletters. The ...
gillenpj's user avatar
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Can you use contribution fields on event registrations?

we have an event - we have custom fields for contributions that we would like filled out when people register. CiviEvent will not allow me to select a profile with contribution fields. How can I ...
themak's user avatar
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Why can't I see different financial types in contribution reports

With our contributions, one payment may contain 3 financial types ... e.g. an event fee, membership fee and donation. I have created "Price Sets" (of one Financial Type), which then contain 3 ...
Alison Wright's user avatar
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Can a Custom Field be added to a Contribution Page or Financial Type?

I have created a Set of Custom Fields called "Tracking" to be used with -any- Contributions. The set includes Custom Fields called "Category" and "Job". I would like to assign specific Category and ...
David Phillips's user avatar
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Where do Custom Fields for Contributions appear?

I have created a Set of Custom Fields called "Tracking" to be used for any Contributions. The Custom Fields created in this set are called "Category" and "Job". However, I can't see these fields ...
David Phillips's user avatar
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Civicrm altering contribution page

I have been struggling for weeks now trying to figure out the best way to prepare a form where : user selects province, apply a tax based on the province user selects the membership priceset total ...
Boby's user avatar
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Can't create custom field

I can't seem to create any custom fields. I'm on the /civicrm/admin/custom/group page and I choose the "Add Set of Custom Fields" button. After filling out the form (setting "Used For" = ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
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Add custom data field column to contribution tab

Is there a way to add additional fields in the contribution tab on a contacts record?
WVMike's user avatar
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