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jackrabbithanna's user avatar
jackrabbithanna's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

Does CiviCRM work with Drupal 8 and how can I help?

8 votes

When will Drupal 8 be officially supported?

7 votes

Can't save Drupal role permissions for CiviCRM

6 votes

Views Proximity Search on Latitude / Longitude

6 votes

Drupal CiviCRM Entity in Rules: How to loop over all members of a group?

5 votes

How do I add custom fields to Personal Campaign Pages

5 votes

Is it possible to integrate a custom Drupal donate form with CiviCRM?

4 votes

Drupal taxonomy and Civi option groups integration

4 votes

Is there a customized realtor sales and contact management system in civi

4 votes

CiviCRM Entity and ACL Permissions

4 votes

CiviCRM Entity display shows email addresses - should only show display name

4 votes

Leaflet Map has just stopped working

3 votes

List all members by zipcode or city

3 votes

What is the recommended upgrade increments to CiviCRM 5.7 from CiviCRM 5.0?

3 votes

Error after installing Civi Entity module

3 votes

Can CiviCRM entities be used as events to trigger Drupal Rules?

3 votes

Can you create an event with Webform-CiviCRM integration?

3 votes

CiviCRM Entity, Display tags name in contact

3 votes

How to restrict access to only one Contribution Page

3 votes

How can I use Drupal Rules to remove a contact from a group

2 votes

How to remove contact from group using CiviCRM Entity and Drupal Rules

2 votes

Access CiviCRM fields from Drupal entity

2 votes

How can I fix an incorrect SQL field in Recurring Contribution View?

2 votes

How to test for CiviCRM status messages in selenium?

2 votes

How to build reports or Views based on who the Manager is

2 votes

CiviGroup Roles Sync - workaround for Smart Groups?

2 votes

Is it possible to add new target type in drupal content type?

2 votes

Can we expose the membership description field within a Drupal View

2 votes

Drupal Views Integration with Drupal + CiviCRM databases on different hosts

2 votes

Bulk Delete of Spam Contacts and related Drupal Users