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Is there a way to add relationships in a custom profile?

I am creating profiles so that people in the organisation can input contacts easily. I can create a form that has all the individuals information that I need (name etc.) but I am struggling to work ...
user12708's user avatar
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Relationship tags not updating for import contacts drop down list

I have recently changed some of the relationship tags. These new tags come up when I am inputting or updating an individual contact. However, when I do a group upload and go to select the new ...
user12708's user avatar
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Add a custom field as a column in relationship tab

I added a column in relationship tab, to do that I edited the civicrm/CRM/Contact/BAO/Relationship.php I already added columns with fields existing in the base of civicrm but now I'm trying to add a ...
Anatole Allain's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Sending organisation custom tokens to individual

I want to use CiviMail to bulk mail key individual contacts from member organisations and want to include tokens in their email to remind them of the information we currently hold on their ...
Helen's user avatar
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Get Contact id from Relationship to use in a Hook [duplicate]

I want to display Contact B ID of a relationship for the current contact. I am building a hook and this is my code so far. if ( $formName == 'CRM_Contactlayout_Form_Inline_ProfileBlock') { if ...
Moe's user avatar
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Batch Update the current relationship in CiviCRM

I need your help. I need to disable a current relationship for 4000 records in the import process without using SQL command line. There is no field for set active/inactive or expiry date of the ...
Mehrnoosh's user avatar
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Custom dropdown for specific relationship type

When creating a new relationship is it possible to create a dropdown that only displays when you have selected a specific relationship type. For instance: Add custom relationship “Representation” ...
STEAMworks Learning Center's user avatar
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Current Employer style field for a custom field

I have been asked to add some custom fields to the default CiviCRM Interface that bahave like the current employer field. That is to say, my users want to create certain relationships and have them ...
tanbog's user avatar
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Tags, relationships, or custom fields to record custom data?

Apologies if this isn't the best place to ask, I'm completely new to CiviCRM and could do with some advice on the best way to store custom data. I'm building a database of churches. For each church I ...
somnolentsurfer's user avatar
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Can an Activity input profile "remember" details from the previous Activity submitted?

Newbie here, powered by CiviCRM 4.7.28 on WordPress. The closest prior thread I could find is here. The use case is high school students self-reporting classes completed and corresponding grades. I ...
wil_SRQ's user avatar
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Edits not being saved for custom fields on relationships

When editing a relationship with custom fields and changing a value, the value does not get saved. When creating a new relationship however, values entered into the custom field at that point are ...
naomi's user avatar
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Creating reports with custom fields relating accounts and contacts - how does it work?

I am looking for a CRM to install that can do the following: Create custom field in account where I can select/link one or more contacts that are the founder of the account (firm) Create a custom ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Include Relationships when creating profile

i was wondering if there's an easy way to add the relationship field when creating a profile. what i wish to accomplish is this: perform a search for all members of a particular household, plus a ...
user3820's user avatar
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Certain data is not displaying on records

I just created a custom field for a multi-select list using tab with table. When I add data, the tab correctly shows that there are four items saved to this field, but the actual items are not ...
Nina Gonzalez's user avatar
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Relationship type id stored in the wrong custom group column?

I made a custom group in a Relationship type. When I look back in MySQL table civicrm_custom_group I see that is stored in column civicrm_custom_group....
ñull's user avatar
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How do you import (custom) relationship fields?

I am prototyping and testing import from M$ Access. Up to now I could quite easily import relationships, but I am missing the way to import also the relationship core Start date and custom fields I ...
ñull's user avatar
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Is it possible to have many to many relationships between custom field sets?

i tried to look for an answer but im pretty confused with what i found.. I'm trying to create a many to many relationship like in SQL.. for example: lets say i want to create a custom 'Event'(a ...
nadavshemesh's user avatar
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How to handle irrelevant employers we don't really want as separate contacts?

So, sometimes a contact's employer is entirely irrelevant, we have basically no value in keeping that information. Or maybe there's no reason not to note it, but it's not an organization we care about....
wolftune's user avatar
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Membership Types vs Groups vs Organizational Types vs Relationships

Still new to CiviCRM and grateful for opinions and advice. We have several types of relationship with organizations. We do not charge anything for any type of relationship. Relationships are managed ...
Nina Gonzalez's user avatar
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Custom contact reference field with "New Organization"

I would like to create a custom contact reference field (for CiviGrants) that also has the ability to add a new contact on the fly. It should be like the default Contact field used in (for example) ...
Daniel Strum's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can I customize the contact relationship tab to show custom fields?

I have a relationship type with some custom fields. Is there any way to customize the relationship tab under a contact, to display those custom fields? Instead of the default Start/End/City/State/...
Norris's user avatar
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How to decide between using a custom Relationship and using a custom Contact Reference field?

This is admittedly open-ended any may just depend too much on use-case. I am looking for advice on when it is preferable to create a custom Contact Reference field instead of just creating a custom ...
LunkRat's user avatar
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