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2 answers

Pledges on contact's dashboard

I'm using CiviCRM 5.67 with Drupal 7. On the contact's dashboard the "Pledges" tab is missing. On the admin page "Customize data and screen" > "Display preferences" I'...
Pál Rudan's user avatar
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Process Pledges Error Invalid Criteria For IN

CiviCRM v5.48.2, WordPress v 5.9.3 I have a cron running as follows: /usr/local/bin/php /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bin/cli.php -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxx -e Job -a execute ...
Paul Williams's user avatar
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Pledge overdue when total paid more than pledged

We have a couple pledges where recorded contributions add up to more than the amount pledged, and it seems to result in some buggy behavior. The balance for these pledges is negative, but there's ...
cantrellnm's user avatar
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configure URLs in system workflow messages

I've discovered that the URL that is created in the Pledge Acknowledgement and Reminder system workflow messages points to our admin site rather than the public site on our Joomla site. In other words,...
Phil Morice Brubaker's user avatar
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SYNTAX ERROR in Pledge Report when Balance Due is selected (ver. 5.18.2)

CiviCRM ver. 5.18.2 (or 5.14.2) on Wordpress. Hi all. When Balance Due is selected in Pledge Report > Details we get a syntax error. Here is the error log: [error] $Fatal Error Details = Array ( [...
Alessandro Letizia's user avatar
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Hook pre/post in pledge changed status

On 5.6.0 After create a pledge. If is created a new contribution that change the status of the pledge from "Pending" to "Completed" is not incoming in any hook_civicrm_post or hook_civicrm_pre with ...
rubofvil's user avatar
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Editing Pledge Amount Deletes Payments

Since upgrading to 5.3, we've noticed that Pledge amounts can be edited, which then deletes any payments made toward the pledge. In earlier versions, the Pledge amount could not be edited. (this is ...
LaurynnLowe's user avatar
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Pledge payment off contact dashboard: "DB Error: No Such Field"

Drupal 7 / CiviCRM 4.7 When I create a Pledge and view it in my contact dashboard, I can see all of my pledge payments and their dates. If I select "Make Payment" it sends me to a page like: civicrm/...
Zachary's user avatar
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Is it possible to cancel/write-off upcoming pledge payments?

We have had a few situations recently where we need to write off upcoming payments of a partially-fulfilled multi-installment pledge. The catch is that we want to preserve the record of the pledge but ...
jbc63's user avatar
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How do I soft credit a pledge?

If Jane Doe donates $1000 by the efforts of John Q. Public, I can soft credit John. However, if Jane pledges $1000 in 10 monthly installments, there's no built-in way to credit John automatically as ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
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How can you add a gift premium to pledge

I may not be understanding CiviCRM's donation model. There seem to be three separate ways to make monetary donations. Contributions, Pledges and Memberships. Our current fundraisers have a large ...
chrisfs's user avatar
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DB Error: Contribution Page Uknown column 'pledge_start_date' in 'field list'

I have a contribution page that is set as the self-service page for pledges. When you click on the Make a Payment from the Contact Dashboard the following error occurs. Database Error Code: Unknown ...
frTommy's user avatar
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manual contribution entry not showing up on contacts contribution summary

I am brand new to CiviCRM :) 4.7.4 We are using WordPress for our website 4.6.1 I am trying to manually enter a contribution and/or a pledge as I am testing out the new database with just a few ...
B Beninato 's user avatar
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Open Ended Pledges

The New Pledge form asks for a total amount of the pledge. I'm working from a spreadsheet where the installment is specified but not a total amount. What is the best way to enter this?
Vietyank's user avatar
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Currency symbols on pledge form

The New Pledge Form has an option list for the available currencies set up in administration however the section on installments has the $ sign hard coded. If the pledge is in Thai Baht (THB), I want ...
Vietyank's user avatar
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How do I enter multiple payments for one pledge?

I've entered a pledge. The donor has only paid part of their first payment and plans to make a payment for the balance in a month. However, the pledge bumped the overdue amount to the following year'...
Mary's user avatar
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How can a member view past and present pledges?

How do I add a Pledge so that he may view & pay pledges thru the self-service payments page? Thank you for your help.
Chaim Glassman's user avatar
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how to add a Pledge to contact

Hi, How do I add a Pledge to contact so that he may view & pay pledges thru the self-service payments page?
Chaim Glassman's user avatar
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member login; view & pay pledges

I run an organization that takes pledges from members. I am looking for software that would allow members to login to their accounts; view past and outstanding pledges and pay online for any money ...
Chaim Glassman's user avatar
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Importing and updating pledges

I want to import a bulk pledges to my CiviCRM installation and also I need to updating the pledges in every month. If I do it in manual it is very time consuming process. is there any easy way like ...
Ashwin's user avatar
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Pledge Donations

We are trying to streamline the billing process and would like to understand if CiviCRM is a good fit. We've seen others use CiviCRM for walk-a-thons and bowl-a-thons. But, is it possible to execute ...
Julia's user avatar
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What's the best way to record payments in installments?

In the setup I currently have, parents can choose to pay tuition in one annual, two bi-annual, or 10 monthly installments. I attempted to set it up as pledges, but payments do not get counted towards ...
naomisl's user avatar
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Batch Entry of NEW Pledges?

We have a unique organization (large homeschool coop) that has various oddball requirements for membership types, durations, payments, etc. I think I'm going to be using Pledges to solve some of our ...
Cynthia Woodard's user avatar
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Manual email of payment pledges expired

I had to record the payment pledges in this way: € 80.00 to August 10 (but may change depending on the individual) € 90.00 to 15 September(but may change depending on the individual) € 100.00 to ...
Marco Mapelli's user avatar
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Having trouble with pledges

I have users with pledges set up for the total amount they have agreed to pay this year. They make payments on these pledges via contribution pages. The payments are not being matched to the pledge ...
naomisl's user avatar
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One Time Pledge

I am looking for a way to have one time pledge. We want to collect pledges to made at our annual event but we do not want to run the cards till the day of the event. Is this possible?
Steve Kessler's user avatar
-4 votes
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Member to Member donations

can a Programmer customize CiviCRM to do Member to Member donations with TRACKING of all the members and donations ? what programming LANGUAGE is civicrm written in ?
David's user avatar
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How to capture verbal contribution commitments: invoice, contribution pending or pledge?

If a constituent makes a verbal commitment (ie. at event or via phone campaign) to make a one-time donation (ie. pledge) and we want to track + invoice them to fulfill that pledge, what is the best ...
Sonicthoughts's user avatar
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119 views and Automatic Recurring Billing (ARB)

We have running for over 2 years, Added Automated Recurring Billing. It worked for a test, when we tried to use it for a real event it failed. Civicrm shows it working correctly but ...
user469's user avatar
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Importing Pledges

I am doing a billing. We enter items as pledges. I need a way to import the pledges from a spreadsheet. Last year I imported directly into the pledge table and did not realize I needed to also load ...
user469's user avatar
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sharing pledges between contacts

In the user workflow I currently have, parents sign up for tuition payment plans for the program their children are attending. These are processed as pledges with varying numbers of installments, ...
naomisl's user avatar
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Connecting existing contribution to pledge WITHOUT Development

When someone makes a pledge, they may use a different contribution page to fullfil that pledge. I see an API question about assigning an existing contribution to a pledge here: Connecting existing ...
Sonicthoughts's user avatar
4 votes
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What's the difference between a pledge and a recurring donation?

What's the difference if I set up a recurring payment for $100/month versus a pledge for $100/month? Why should I use one method versus the other?
Joe Murray's user avatar
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Connecting existing contribution to pledge

This Sunday was the first day for our church to receive payments in a financial campaign we are running. Some people have made pledges, and we have used CiviPledge to record those pledges. I was ...
Jeff Mikels's user avatar
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Can I set a contribution page to have pledge selected by default with a default number of installments?

I would like to have my contribution page default to pledge instead of one-time and also have a default number of installments. Is this possible? Thanks!
Andrew Baerg's user avatar
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Pledge reminder emails sending out invalid payment links

Periodically, we have people complaining that their pledge reminder email has a link that doesn't work. They get the "0 Error" with text "Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment." If ...
KevinK's user avatar
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How do I create contribution pages that record pledges and contributions to households?

I'm using CiviCRM 4.5.8 and am setting it up to handle a three year fundraising campaign for our church. Our church almost exclusively records donations for Households and not for individuals. How ...
Jeff Mikels's user avatar