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10 votes

Where are checksums stored in the database?

The checksum is an md5 hash of the value in the database field civicrm_contact.hash, the Contact ID, the current timestamp and the life-span. Therefore, as long as the contact hash stays the same (it ...
bgm's user avatar
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7 votes

Feature request: Make Checksum tokens easier to use

These two extensions should assist - The second extension provides tokens for all active contribution ...
Anil's user avatar
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5 votes

Checksum expiration

I found it myself: /civicrm/admin/setting/misc?reset=1 Default setting is 7 days.
Flying's user avatar
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5 votes

Get or generate a contact checksum via API?

I needed this exact functionality, so I wrote the extension that provides it, com.megaphonetech.checksums. I used Coleman's comment above as my spec :)
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
5 votes

Webform conditional from Civicrm checksum

I think this is possible with the below adjustments on the webform. Add a disabled textfield on your webform and set its default value to a token or checksum value from the URL. Now, add the ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
4 votes

Alerting admins when certain fields are changed via profile & checksum?

If you have hosting that allows you to turn on Detailed Logging, there are two extensions that provide address history. One is in Extended Reports; the other is Joseph Lacey's Address Log report. It ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Checksum not being enforced?

I've just tested this and thankfully I wasn't able to recreate the issue. In your settings for the 'Existing Contact' component, please could you check that the 'Enforce Permissions' checkbox is ...
John's user avatar
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3 votes

Checksum not being enforced?

Here's a small Drupal 7 module that checks if the combination of contact id and checksum is valid. I wrote it 3 years ago when I had the same problem as you described. You can find it here: https://...
AlainB's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I allow an anonymous user to generate an email to themself?

Someone else may have a simpler answer, but here's how I would do it: Install the extensions "CiviRules" and "Email API". Create a group called "Requested Data Update Email". Create an email template ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

How to create a Drupal menu link to a civicrm contact profile

You can use Menu token module and Civicrm token module to create link in drupal module. civicrm/contact/view?cid=[civi:contact_ID]&reset=1 Thanks Pradeep
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Renewal link mangled by webmail client with ISP

Here is an answer that explains the prefix that was added to the front of our primary domain. Looking at the CiviMail source for this message (and a ...
Karl Rudnick's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to email a link inviting people to sign up for an event that will be connect to their contact ID?

The contact checksum works equally well for a CiviEvent registration as it does for updating their contact info via a profile. The tokens page of the wiki has a section at the bottom that shows how ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Using checksums to access the civicrm/user dashboard

This works now using the following URL /civicrm/user?reset=1&id={contact.contact_id}&{contact.checksum}
Yossi's user avatar
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2 votes

Using checksums to access the civicrm/user dashboard

I've opened a Gitlab issue for this requirement - Also submitted a patch for this against master branch of the core repository -
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
2 votes

Can an expired checksum provide any warning to the user when they get to the site?

Would something like this work?
Matthew Wire's user avatar
2 votes

Following a CiviCRM checksum link doesn't populate civicrm tokens but logging in populates the tokens.

I assume the "page" you're referring to is using a Webform, If that's the case, then you should mention that in the title. The link to the form should be of the format
BobS's user avatar
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2 votes

CheckSum Profile Update

Are you sure you are sending your test email to an individual contact? if you have several contacts that have the same email address (eg [email protected]) that you associated both to your organisation and ...
Xavier's user avatar
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2 votes

CheckSum Profile Update

I'm not sure which CMS you are using but, per the civicrm wiki page, the URL Checksum for standard Profiles (edit mode) is as below: To send people to a profile use this path where N is the ID of the ...
peterb's user avatar
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2 votes

Webform - why are contact details via cid1 disappearing so quickly?

The fix was to delete the entry in the table 'Settings' for 'checksum_timeout' and then update the 'Misc' settings which recreated that table entry. I did test this idea first...! Now the 'Contact ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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2 votes

Checksum or hash not pulling up contribution pages for anonymous users in Drupal 7

It looks like you are taking the contact hash directly from the database and sticking it in the URL yourself. That won't work (and for security reasons you don't want to expose the contact hash ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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1 vote

Checksum and Shifting Expiration Windows

The checksum string is created when the token is processed, so everytime the checksum string is created it has the expiry date based on 'Checksum Lifespan' set in your systems under CiviCRM >> ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

How to access contact ID and checksum for a new contact from the Caldera form that creates the contact?

There's an example of how to do the second part of this in the integration module's README. Checksum support to auto-populate form with URLs like{contact.contact_id}&{...
HomoTechsual's user avatar
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1 vote

How can our users request an email with the contact.checksum links?

The create mode should do what you want - have you ticked "Standalone Form or Directory" in the profile settings? In case that does not work, we are currently developing an extension that ...
Fabian's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use {contact.checksum} in membership confirmation receipt

You can include token in any message template. The system workflow message template doesn't show editor hence you will need to add content in html format. But the normal message template does show ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

Alerting admins when certain fields are changed via profile & checksum?

I think you can achieve your goal using webforms. It may require a bit of jquery or could possibly be done just with Conditionals. I suspect the latter would require a read-only field 'showing' the ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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1 vote

CiviMail doesn't save when using Checksum event links

I just had this exact same problem. (I'm on Version 5.25.0, posting over a year later, so an upgrade would not have been the answer) What "fixed" my problem was to change the order of the ...
Sophie Miron's user avatar
1 vote

wordpress edit multi-record profile fine when logged in but not retaining checksum for anonymous user

I was having a bugger of a time troubleshooting a similar problem with the checksum capability for anonymous users. After trying and identifying many different potential causes such as: cid versus ...
ChaosBuster's user avatar
1 vote

Civimail wont send (but Civi email will)

well the answer turned out to be using a profile that included the "is deceased" field. Somehow that was setting that field to Null and Civimail didnt like that. Setting the "is deceased" field to ...
Robinnz's user avatar
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1 vote

Personalised link using checksum tokens leads to empty page

It seems only the link was incorrect and lead to the explained behaviour. The wiki entry over at is inaccurate (for Wordpress installations at least). The suggested link is .../?page=...
Andy's user avatar
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1 vote

Checksum wiping out member since date!

I think this is nothing to do with the checksum (other than that causes the right contact to load) but is an issue with webform-civicrm overwriting existing info in the membership table. Pretty sure ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k

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