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3 answers

Can we report on contributions by payment processor?

Is there support for filtering contribution reports by payment processor? We have credit card (Authorize.NET) and PayPal (new). How can I report on just PayPal transactions? The only difference I ...
Justin Moore's user avatar
4 votes
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How to create a contribution or event report that indicates amount of payment and balance owed

We run CiviCRM 4.7.21. In events, we are able to indicate a registration payment toward the total with the balance owed within each participant's registration page. However, we have not been able to ...
Carol A.'s user avatar
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Aggregate Contributions Reports and fiscal years (and households, too)

We have a client with a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year. To filter by a timeframe, the CiviReport system for aggregate contributions insists on grouping by a time period, which is NOT a fiscal year (...
TimETown's user avatar
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How to generate a report excluding recurring contributions?

Is there any way to get a report, ideally something like the Contribution Summary report, which allows you to filter by recurring or non-recurring contribution? It would be quite useful to be able to ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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Questions for using civi as part of a election campaign

So we are looking at CiviCRM to help run my campaign. We have been using votebuilder which is very good but it has some drawbacks as well. one of the big drawbacks is that you can not see people ...
Mark Pinsley's user avatar
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Reporting on Premium Fulfillment

Membership in our organization currently includes a T-Shirt which is implemented as a "Premium" on the contribution page. Members must pick up their T-Shirt in person, so I'm looking for a way to ...
user542's user avatar
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Possible error in Contributions and Membership Details report

When we run the Contributions and Membership details report for our organization, it reports 41 entries in the month: Row(s) Listed 41 Total Amount $ 1,320.00(44) Average $ 30.00 However, ...
ldgpangeo's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I see a piechart breakdown of contributions by financial type this year?

The "Donor Report (Summary)" produces pie charts, however these seem to be only by date, even if I choose group by Financial Type. Also, it complains "Do not use filter on Date if group by Receive ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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How does using CiviCRM compare to using NationBuilder?

Have you used or tried out, a US-based commercial not-free CRM used for political and community advocacy? What does CiviCRM do better, or worse? I prefer Civi but looking for more ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
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Contribution Report with total paid and balance fields?

Since partial payments were introduced in civicrm 4.5 is there any report available (core of extension) which allows to use "total paid" and "balance" as fields and filters?
Richard van Oosterhout's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get a list contacts that have not donated within a certain amount of time?

Hello CiviCRM community, I've been trying to wrap my head around this and can't seem to figure it out. I'm looking to get list of contacts that have not donated within a certain amount of time to ...
Scott Pulver's user avatar
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2 answers

Thank-you Sent same as Recieved Date

I'm hoping someone can help me with this issue I'm having. All contributions on the Dashboard and Find Contributions screen have the exact same date and time for the Received date and Thank-you Sent ...
Scott Pulver's user avatar
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Report for Unbatched Contributions

We use Civi accounting batches to export our contributions to an external accounting program. The office manager has asked me to create a report (in Drupal or Civi) that will show all contributions ...
Allen Hutchison's user avatar
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Export Price Set Field Labels

A customer of mine has a contribution page setup with a price set (different payroll options) and they have specific labels for each amount in the price set. When I go in to pull a custom report, I ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Report with Payment Processor [duplicate]

I'm trying to get a report with the name of the Payment Processor that was used for each online Payment. I'm not able to get this to work. Been though the API trying to track the data but not that ...
Scott Pulver's user avatar
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CiviCRM Report only showing 50 records

Do anyone else have Donation Reports that only show 50 records on the webpage but when you export it shows all of them? There is no pagination and looking at the demos, it looks like there should be. ...
Scott Pulver's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to model and report on unintentional underpayment and overpayment?

The type of underpayment or overpayment I have in mind is as follows. An organisation signs up for a membership valued at £100, opting to pay later. So there's a pending pay-later contribution for £...
davejenx's user avatar
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How can I include two types of contribution in a single report

I have Contacts with 2 types of Contributions. A) Contribution with CONTRIBUTION SOURCE = keyword B) Contribution with CONTRIBUTION NOTE = keyword How can I include both types of CONTRIBUTIONS in a ...
Aivars's user avatar
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Multiple currencies in the report totals

So I've just enabled another currency. For one event, two forms are available to sign up in either US$ or in CAD$. In the reports, how will CiviCRM show the revenue totals ? Does it know the exchange ...
commonpike's user avatar
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Total Donations By Contact

I am looking to pull a report that has the donation total for each contact. Basically the top donor report but for all donors. What report will give this to me. Thanks, Josh
Josh's user avatar
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How can I display a count of new donors by month?

This seems a reasonable enough request but I can't put it together. Here's what I've tried: Contribution Summary Report - Does not contain the "Contribution Ordinality" filter (though ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
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How can I run a report with Pending (Incomplete Transaction)?

Essentially I want the contribution detail report but to filter Contribution Status: Pending, Is Pay Later: No (I know I can do this with search) I can do this with some extensions, but they do not ...
themak's user avatar
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Display all Contributions with event, membership etc details

Excuse me if I'm probably missing something obvious here... Civi 4.6.18, Drupal 7.44 I want to build a simple report that shows: Contribution fields, Contact name, Event name (if it came from an ...
Andyg8's user avatar
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CiviCRM - Mailpoet plugin conflict with Html2Text

We upgraded CiviCRM to the most recent version back in November and had the problem in the related ticket with ANY report failing when ANY filter was enabled. The error was: Error thrown Call to ...
astroned's user avatar
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List activity for all members (whether they have contributed or not)

Our treasurer has asked for a report to show the payment history for each contact, even if that contact has never paid anything. 'Contribution Aggregate by Relationship' report is perfect, we select ...
astroned's user avatar
1 vote
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Check numbers in reports

My client took great pains to record check numbers and payment amounts and wants to produce an event payment report which includes the check numbers associated with each registration. I can get ...
LyonsDigital's user avatar
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Contribution Reports and disabled Financial Types

What is the expected behaviour for Contribution Reports in regard to disabled Financial Types (for example, a Financial Type that was used some years ago but is not used for current contributions)? ...
Laryn's user avatar
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Civicrm profile field values using same record type goes missing/overwritten

I have created a CiviContribute profile with multiple postal code fields of record type contact. All these profile fields have different labels and sub-type. But when a user makes a contribution, only ...
Rajesh Keladimath's user avatar
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How to solve this error database looks to have been partially upgraded in CiviCRM

I Upgraded CiviCRM 4.6 to 4.7 latest version but when I try Import database using drush $ drush civicrm-upgrade-db this command that time showing this error. when I going to this path http://example....
omkar gaonkar's user avatar
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CiviReport - Add days to Transaction Date for Estimated Deposit Date

Our Treasurer has asked for a report that will help him reconcile the monthly bank statement more efficiently. As with most financial services vendors, our vendor (iATS) has a delay between the ...
Allen Hutchison's user avatar
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Reporting on online vs offline contributions possible?

As the subject suggests, I'm looking for way to break out online submitted vs backend entered contributions in order to show management a movement towards online submissions. Is there a ...
shibetpc's user avatar
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CiviCRM Recurring Contributions Report with Campaign

I'm trying to find a way to get a report on all the Recurring Contributions and what campaign they are attached too. Has anyone else done this? The Recurring Contributions report can give me the ...
Scott Pulver's user avatar
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CiviRules Issue with Smart Groups

I am trying to use CiviRules to give a membership to contacts automatically when a contribution is added. I have a Membership smart group to filter members and non-members but getting an error when ...
Scott Pulver's user avatar
0 votes
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Getting Error in running contact Report

I am using Hostgator shared hosting for CIVI CRM and Drupal.From few days, I am getting an error that Error writing file '/var/mysqltmp/MYCckA2E' (Errcode: 28)". I tried to change the queries and ...
Mohit Thareja's user avatar
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Clearing A Report - Contribution Summary

I clicked on 'Contribution Details' report and it had a general list of names from my last time playing with it. I clicked on a specific name I wanted to do a report for and tweaked the settings to me ...
Mary's user avatar
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How to add new tokens in civicrm?

I want to add more tokens for generating the donation how can I add more tokens in civicrm?
Akhil Raj's user avatar
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Problème avec les modèles de reçu fiscal suite migtation Civi

Bonjour Dans notre precedant modèle de reçu fiscal, les champs de fusion {contribution.total_amount}, {contribution.payment_instrument}, {contribution.payment_number}, {contribution.receive_date} ...
user7748's user avatar
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CIVI CRM APIv4 Image retrieval

I am creating a Python script that retrieves images from CiviCRM. I don't just want the image name (which I retrieve with the uri field already) but the entire image url. How is that possible? I have ...
Evan Taylor's user avatar
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CiviContribute Payment Selection

Ok, this is a little difficult to explain, but I'm going to try :) A customer set up a contribution page for payroll deduction, so they would just select the "Pay Later" payment option, but, for some ...
Nicole's user avatar
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