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Joe Murray's user avatar
Joe Murray
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
20 votes

How do I set up an API key for a user?

15 votes

What are the different cache clearing mechanisms relevant when developing?

13 votes

What is the CiviCRM LTS Version, and should I use it or the latest stable release?

11 votes

Can I put custom field tokens into a message template?

10 votes

Collecting Facebook, LinkedIn profiles

9 votes

Does CiviCRM work with Drupal 8 and how can I help?

9 votes

Database Trigger error message

9 votes

Problem fixing missing indexes after upgrade to 4.7

9 votes

What is a line item? And what is a financial item and how are those two linked together?

8 votes

What should I do if an issue is marked as fixed in JIRA but it is still occurring?

7 votes

When will 4.4 LTS end, and what will replace it?

7 votes

How should I add sign up forms into 3rd party sites?

7 votes

How can I allow non-admin users to manage tags?

7 votes

MySQL Tuning: Is Defragmenting Tables safe?

6 votes

Installing CiviCRM - best security practices

6 votes

Multiple Financial Types on one payment form?

5 votes

Is there a way to allow partial payments for events?

5 votes

How does Civimail reply tracking and forwarding work?

5 votes

Has CiviCRM ever undergone formal usability testing?

5 votes

Are there public repos including WordPress WooCommerce and CiviCRM integration code?

5 votes

Creating a custom search to produce contributions as results

5 votes

How do I change the default URLs to contribution or event registration pages?

4 votes

Unable to install extensions: HTTP redirection error

4 votes

Using contacts as event locations

4 votes

Is it possible to apply an existing contribution to an event registration?

4 votes

What's the difference between a pledge and a recurring donation?

4 votes

How long should a CiviCRM / Drupal upgrade take?

4 votes

CiviCRM does not have full functionality support for refunds and partial payments so what is the current way to tackle this type of situation?

4 votes

What do I do when rebuild Smart Group Cache fails?

4 votes

After upgrade to 4.6, should I get "No available releases found warning" in Reports->Available updates?

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