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petednz - fuzion's user avatar
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
petednz - fuzion
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

Does CiviCRM work with Drupal 8 and how can I help?

17 votes

Status page angular load error

11 votes

Howto hide/disable fields not needed

8 votes

Allowing a contact to update their related contacts via Webform-CiviCRM

8 votes

Importing Contacts into multiple groups

8 votes

Is CiviCRM a viable choice? 4 Questions

7 votes

How do I move registration to another event

7 votes

A way to test schedule reminders

7 votes

Can a New Member automatically become a Drupal User with defined Role?

7 votes

Implementing a support ticket/help desk system?

6 votes

What is effect of marking contact as deceased?

6 votes

Use Drupal Views to select Organisation and display contacts with a particular relationship to Organisation

6 votes

Adding Captcha to the forms

6 votes

Converting My Data to CiviCRM data formats

6 votes

How should I delete a CiviCase or a Case Type

6 votes

How can I make External ID a searchable field?

6 votes

CiviCRM training courses for beginners

6 votes

Civi Rules to send an email

6 votes

Find only renewed memberships

6 votes

Where are the "ConfigAndLog" and "templates_c" directories?

6 votes

Can IATS be used with Simple Donate Extension? - SOLVED

6 votes

How to get "Last contribution amount" and "Last contribution date" into report?

5 votes

Chasse plugin: can a user be on multiple journeys at the same time?

5 votes

Standalone CiviCRM? (no CMS)

5 votes

Why have all my custom Civi fields stopped showing up in Drupal view?

5 votes

Is it possible to create nested multiselect custom field?

5 votes

add to group automatically according to custom logic

5 votes

Too nervous to upgrade CiviCRM from 4.1.1

5 votes

Is there Support?

5 votes

How do I get started using CiviCRM?

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