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Profile Custom Field Default Value from URL

I have created a profile which includes a contact reference custom field. Is it possible to prefill this field using a query parameter from the URL? My custom field is household_25 (I checked the name ...
Ben's user avatar
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Setting contribution custom fields during online event registration

I have a custom field set that is tied to Contributions. Most of the custom fields have default values. On my standard Contribution pages, I include the custom fields in a profile, and then I use ...
Carl Sigmond's user avatar
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Contribution: How to create membership with contribution?

I have tried to created a profil with field that are coming from different data group but it's telling me that I can't mix the data group ''organisation'' and ''contact''. So I have decide to create ...
Caroline de Alcala's user avatar
2 votes
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Conditionally link radio options to other questions?

I've created a public profile with some custom fields. This is the page in question: I would like to link the radio button options of the last ...
Suri Gang's Hallen's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get a feedback statistic using civicrm custom field?

I have created a set of custom fields with 5 questions. It has 5 radio button rating 1 to 5. Then the questions were used in a profile to receive feedback from customers for the services they are ...
Tapash's user avatar
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Profile on contribution page doesn't show membership custom fields

On a very simple Drupal 10.1 + CiviCRM 5.69.2 site. Add a custom fieldset for memberships (e.g. with a simple text field). Include the custom field from that fieldset in a profile. That field does not ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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Which ACL is needed to view custom fields in search listings?

We want to display custom search results to our CRM users. We have enabled a default profile for search lists that combines core fields and custom fields. Admins see search results with all these ...
icaria36's user avatar
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How to set TODAY as default date for a custom date field placed on a contribution page?

How to set default date today on a custom date field that is added on a contribution page via profile? I have tried to add this in my extension but doesnt seem to work and getting populated as 01/01/...
Tapash's user avatar
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Custom fields not always displaying on profile

I'm having an intermitent issue with custom fields on a profile. Sometimes they are displaying fully and correctly, sometimes not (though name and email continues to be visible). It seems if I go into ...
Cozy4907's user avatar
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Certain fields missing from profile when viewing contribution page as anonymous versus logged-in user

I'm including a profile in the configuration of a contribution page to collect information about UK Gift Aid eligibility and the preferences of the donor to sign up to various newsletters. The ...
gillenpj's user avatar
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Drop down custom field values do not work in multi-valued custom groups in profiles

We have a profile which exposes a custom group that allows multiple records. One of the fields is a drop-down list. In the profile, after clicking on Edit, you cannot see the drop-down list on the ...
Stephen Palmstrom's user avatar
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How to add a Custom field that requires a certain value in civicrm contribution page?

in my Contribution Page I'd like to ask the donor to accept some privacy rules. For that I'd like to add a custom field into a Profile, add that to the Contribution Page (that works) and only accept ...
mplh's user avatar
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Update custom fields with profiles?

Actually I would like registered contacts to be able to fill out some custom fields in the easiest way possible. I was thinking of a "form" type link and here they can enter their contact id ...
Suri Gang's Hallen's user avatar
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Non-read-only custom fields appear as read-only in profiles

We have been seeing custom fields added to a profile, though not set to read-only, appearing as read-only in the profile preview. Clearing the cache temporarily cures the problem, but it recurs later. ...
Stephen Palmstrom's user avatar
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Search Preferences set a custom Profile quick search - autocomplete fields drop down stops working. This is Why!

pretty sure this is related to TypeError: array_flip(): New install, CiviCRM 5.55.2 on drupal9 php7.4 setup few custom fields for INDIVIDUAL in new group, fields searchable. Not View only! Create ...
Eldon Leeburstroghm Allison II's user avatar
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Creating Conditional Fields in Event Forms

The Profile Conditionals Extension is great for developers, however, we have clients that want to be able to add conditional fields in forms "on the fly", without having to come to us each ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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Allowing users to update teir information using forms

I am trying to allow registered members to add their own information to their profile after logging in using shortcodes, WordPress and the latest civicm. Although the page will allow this it doesn't ...
Dan's user avatar
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Custom field is set to searchable, but not turning up results in the public directory on the frontend. Wildcard set to "yes" Help?

I've created a public directory based on membership status. It displays information like org. name, phone, address, website, & products & services. The issue I'm having is that my custom field ...
Lester's user avatar
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Is there a way to add relationships in a custom profile?

I am creating profiles so that people in the organisation can input contacts easily. I can create a form that has all the individuals information that I need (name etc.) but I am struggling to work ...
user12708's user avatar
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Custom Field data missing in export

For an event we wanted to aks for more information so i set up a set of custom fields. I added this to a profile and added some more fields I added the profile to an event registration. If a user ...
nak-lag's user avatar
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Is it really not possible to have two multi-record custom fieldsets in one profile?

I'm trying to set up a form for contacts to update their own data via our Joomla frontend. However, I ran into an unexpected problem when I tried to add a second multi-record custom fieldset to a ...
minbori's user avatar
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Searchable Profile fields do not work

I have an issue on creating profiles. When I create a profile with several fields such as "First Name" "Past Name" "E-Mail" and some Custom Fields and I set these fields ...
Markus Palzer-Khomenko's user avatar
3 votes
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Survey Questions vs Contact Info

CiviSurvey has two types of information we could collect - 'Contact Info' and 'Questions'. Is there any difference between these two from an implementation perspective? Would it make any difference if ...
Gufran Pathan's user avatar
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How to chain api calls i.e. GETFIELD contact for fieldID after doing GET profile on profileID?

I want to join the below api calls- API 1
sandy's user avatar
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Custom fields sometimes missing from profile, until flushing caches

On civicrm 5.20.1 under WordPress, we have added two custom fields to the Registration Info profile (gid=12). We've added that profile to the Online Registration config for one event. Now and then, ...
TwoMice's user avatar
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Custom Fields used for Participants and then used in a Profile are not displayed

I have created specific custom fields for Participants. These are viewable in Preview mode under Custom Data. When these fields are used in a Profile they are not displayed in Preview mode. I notice ...
Grant Watt's user avatar
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I can see Age in a Contact Summary. How can I add Age to a Profile?

I can see Age for a contact in the Contact Summary screen, which is not a built-in field, but is apparently calculated from the Birth Date field. I can add the Birth Date field to a Profile. How can I ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
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Custom Fields are no longer appearing on profiles after update to 5.25.0

I have just updated my Joomla 3.19.8 site from version 5.18.12 to version 5.25.0, and my profile views are no longer including any custom fields. No custom fields appear: - on any profiles displayed ...
minbori's user avatar
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Issue field DEDUPE "0 Argument 1 passed to"

After upgrading to civicrm version 5.21 we detected a problem in one of the fields of the form linked to a custom profile. For some reason, every time you try to insert that data from the form in the ...
Ictadmin's user avatar
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Approach to dynamically filled custom field using member since date

I've been thinking about how to best approach this and I'm stumped as to how to best go about it. I want to add a custom field to a profile that is rendered on the Contact Summary page. I would like ...
Andrew Wasson's user avatar
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Profile form submit error page displays duplicate data entry fields

I’ve used a profile on a Wordpress page on our website to gather constituent demographic info, with required fields set at the profile level. If you’re on this page as a visitor to the website and ...
Ruth D's user avatar
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Where has a custom field been used?

Drupal 7.65 CiviCRM 5.10.4 Hi everyone, Bit of a strange question here but I'll explain the context and hopefully there's a solution! So we have a custom field that asks for people's consent to ...
josh's user avatar
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Can you use contribution fields on event registrations?

we have an event - we have custom fields for contributions that we would like filled out when people register. CiviEvent will not allow me to select a profile with contribution fields. How can I ...
themak's user avatar
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How do I set the display size for custom fields?

I have a profile that combines built-in fields with custom fields, both alphanumeric. The custom field displays shorter than the built-in fields which, when I examine the page source, are size="30". ...
The Amateur's user avatar
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How to use civiprofile for contact form

I want to use a civi profile for our contact form, so that all inquiries and new contacts are stored in civi. I created the custom fields and have them on a new tab and table, so multiple submissions ...
fdarn's user avatar
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CiviEvent Confirmation Email Displaying Profiles Not Used In Event

We have created some custom fields/profiles to use with certain CiviEvent registrations. These profiles only display in the event registration when they are selected in the event setup - as expected. ...
Eric W's user avatar
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How to change the value of a custom radio button field programmatically?

I have a CiviCRM profile that hosts a custom field. The custom field is of type "Radio-Button" and hosts two options: What I'm trying to achieve is changing the values of each option programmatically ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Cannot set sort order of custom fields in profile

I created a custom group and populated with custom fields. When I preview all fields in group, it is in the correct order. When I use the custom group in a profile, the profile reverses the order. I'...
GrannyKat's user avatar
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Notes about participants

We need to fill some information about people that registered to specific event, for example room number where they will stay. Is it possible to store additional information about participants so that ...
Irina's user avatar
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Embed video in Profile field for directory

Working on a public directory. The listings include a link to a YouTube video. It is working fine with a custom field of the type link. We would like to embed the videos in the search results. I ...
KilakwaBT's user avatar
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Can an Activity input profile "remember" details from the previous Activity submitted?

Newbie here, powered by CiviCRM 4.7.28 on WordPress. The closest prior thread I could find is here. The use case is high school students self-reporting classes completed and corresponding grades. I ...
wil_SRQ's user avatar
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How can I collect custom contribution data in an event registration form?

People register for events. As part of that registration I want to collect some data that will be stored as part of their participant record. No problem. I'd also like to collect information that ...
Graham's user avatar
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Profiles broken after update to 4.7.22?

I have a drupal 7 site and I updated to civicrm 4.7.22 yesterday and today, I cannot add more than six fields to any profile. I've tried everything...adding fields to profiles already in use, adding ...
Missy Scott's user avatar
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Is it possible to copy a profile?

I created a 'Membership Info' profile but now realise that, because I have diferent membership types with different qualifications, the information I need to collect will not be completely the same. ...
Paul Andreassen's user avatar
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Include more than one profile at top of event page

I have a website with CMS Drupal 7.54 and CiviCRM version 4.7.16. On the CiviCRM event configuration page under "online registration" tab, there are two fields available to include profiles (Include ...
user4117's user avatar
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Disabling Web Site type label (work)

wondering if someone could assist with this naggging issue (small thing that we've spent 4 hours attempting to figure out). In civi, there are options for phone types, website types etc, and similar ...
Hardwick's user avatar
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Include Relationships when creating profile

i was wondering if there's an easy way to add the relationship field when creating a profile. what i wish to accomplish is this: perform a search for all members of a particular household, plus a ...
user3820's user avatar
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Use custom field in front end of website

We are testing your application CiviCRM and we tried to create a custom field as contact reference for all kind of contacts. However though in the preview on the back end this field works fine, when ...
Jose Sousa's user avatar
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how to display uploaded file in profile

I have a civi profile with a custom field where contacts upload their student ID, this works fine, however I can't find a way to display the uploaded file in the profile itself ie: when something is ...
Philippe's user avatar
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What does "Result Column? 'In Sector' Cannot be checked with participant" mean?

Im trying to create a profile form that connects to a speaker - participant profile for event hosts to review speakers. I created a custom field set and now and trying to put the questions into the ...
Danielle Siembieda's user avatar