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Report Job not sending for CSV

I am trying to automate sending a report to my email. When I manually click execute on the scheduler, for pdf, it takes me to a different screen showing the report, but still sends the email. For csv, ...
user15536's user avatar
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FormBuilder: alterAngular embed javascript

In alterAngular, we could alterHTML. Just wondering if we can embed or add javascript using alterAngular. Just not sure how to properly do it. Can it be done with alterHtml, pq($doc)->append() or ...
darkmode's user avatar
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I have an error that disappears when I set debug option in civicrm

I have drupal7 with CiviCRM 5.69.5 Since yesterday the contact dashboard for each contact is not working. If I access /civicrm/contact/view?reset=1&cid=1 or any other cid I get the following error ...
Johan's user avatar
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Can you expose groups with Form Builder?

I am creating a form using form builder. I want to expose two groups (mailing lists) to create an email sign up form where users can subscribe to groups by checking boxes. Can I do that using form ...
themak's user avatar
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CiviCase timeline activities added by Form Builder do not record current time

I'm finding that case activities added by Form Builder always seem to have 12:00 as their time, rather than the exact time the form was submitted. In the simplest case this will apply to a form that ...
Tom Rosenbloom's user avatar
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CiviCRM SearchKit or Drupal Views to create exportable data that includes Grand Total Rows

I'm new to CiviCRM and Drupal and I'm trying to create a report for my end users which will contain the activities they have completed each month and will total some of the data captured in the ...
JessBateman's user avatar
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Error with TinyMCE editor in Wordpress

We are currently getting the follow error when trying to edit any pages/posts etc in word press 6.61 with CiviCRM 4.74.5 and TinyMCE version 4.7.1 plug-in sion 1.5 Failed to load plugin: wordpress ...
John Knight's user avatar
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Price set fields amount limit?

Struggling with price fields visibility of an event info page. At some point fields of type CheckBox just stop appearing, but a new field of another type ( Text / Numeric Quantity, Radio ) is being ...
yurg's user avatar
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Multi Level Access

An NGO I'm helping to is trying to create multi-level access to their resources. Is it possible to create a sytem, where there are local groups, regional groups and national groups? I'd like to add ...
Joey's user avatar
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Cannot register a site from the Configuration Checklist using the "Register a site" menu option

I am trying to register our CiviCRM site (currently running CiviCRM 5.75.2 on Wordpress), but keep getting the following message: "Sorry, we encountered an error! See console log for more details....
aqua's user avatar
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Calculated field in SearchKit result

I created a search with SearchKit, which has a lot of fields. On the Search Builder page (/civicrm/admin/search#/edit/), on the "Select fields" tab on there fields is summarised ("Total ...
Pál Rudan's user avatar
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Export to Excel function returns blank page

When I select the "Export to Excel" function all I get is a blank page. Same applies to the other options as well , for example Print to PDF. Any clues? Running Joomla 4.4.8 , CiviCRM 5.76....
Paul Butler's user avatar
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I need chart_kit starting tips

Could anybody kickstart me with the hot fresh extension chart_kit? It states This extension provides additional Search Display types for Search Kit for making ...
nielo's user avatar
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Honoree Profile not being respected, a Membership receipt contains Individual Profile fields

CiviCRM 5.74.4, Wordpress. The default Honoree profile contains only 4 fields: (First/Last name, email). This works well for Contribution receipts. However, Membership Receipts outputs the Individual ...
yurg's user avatar
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A Mailing Group creation date

Would the log_date column of the log_civicrm_group table be the only source of a mailing group creation date? There is some dates in a "cache_" columns of the "civicrm_group" table,...
yurg's user avatar
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Extension "Documents" v.1.25 Network error + error in civicase

I'm very new to civicrm and have the latest version 5.76.2 running on a wordpress basis, also with the latest version. Now I wanted to test the "Documents" extension, so I installed it, but ...
Flavius's user avatar
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FormBuilder: alterFields afform entity

I would like to ask how to use alterFields in existing (already in core) Activity afformEntity. I don't think I can override it so I used civi.afform_admin.metadata and was able to use alterFields. ...
darkmode's user avatar
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J! : After upgrade to 5.76.2 from 5.75, system reports can't file 'required' administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Event/Cart/DAO/Cart.php'

Running on Joomla 4.4.8, PHP 8.1.29 After upgrade to v5.76.2 from a running v5.73 installation, performed the DB update fine, the system gave the successful update page, and so I clicked on the link ...
Neil Z's user avatar
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Public contribution pages failing! Recaptcha not working

As noted here by others: Short version: public civicrm contribution pages with recaptcha enabled have been failing since about Aug 29 (i.e. 6 days ago). ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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Default Value Fields on Import Not Showing

According to the user guide, it should be possible to set a default value for a field when setting up an import mapping, eg Financial Type (not likely to be present in an external report) could be set ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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How to import stripe subscription to a new site?

I have a site that has a old version of civi 5.35, and decided to upgrade. But ran into isuue and DB corrupted, so decided to do a fresh install of latest LTS of CiviCRM 5.74.5 and import all contacts ...
Tapash's user avatar
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502 Bad Gateway on|cms=WordPress

Getting this system error: dh_c2ezex@xxxxxxx:~$ wget --2024-09-03 09:00:01-- Resolving ...
Jamie Gordon's user avatar
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How to instanciate a paymentProcessor class?

I have a custom Payment class extending CRM_Core_Payment. In a custom page outside of the class, I need to call some public methods, such as supportsRecurring() or getReturnSuccessUrl(). What is the ...
Bastien Ho's user avatar
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How to Restrict Past Dates and Set Conditions on Start Date & End Date in Form Builder?

I'm using the CiviCRM form builder to create a form, and I need help with setting conditions on the date fields, currently I’m able to select a start date that is before the current date, I want to ...
Shubham Belwal's user avatar
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Thousands of phantom contacts being created

I have a CiviCRM 5.76.2 installation on a WordPress 6.6.1 site (not on I just noticed that I have over 4,000 contacts in CiviCRM that have my email address (and nothing else) as ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
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Allowing Multiple Submissions of the Same Form and Viewing Previous and New Entries

I need help with a CRM form. I want the form to be filled out multiple times by an admin. For example, if an admin submits the form, they should be able to come back later and add more entries. The ...
Shubham Belwal's user avatar
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How can our volunteers record their volunteering activity hours themselves?

We use CiviCRM for managing relationships with donors, volunteers, members, and other stakeholders etc. I would like to implement something that would allow our volunteers to record the time they ...
Simon Brown's user avatar
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Search results in 284 records but deleting these records ends up with over 2000 records

Drupal 9, civiCRM 5.72.3 Someone starting using my site to test credit card validity, over-riding CAPTCHA, Form Protection, etc. Each attempt opens a new record in the db and I want to delete these. ...
TomMcDonough's user avatar
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Old Contributions Show as Made Through New Page

We created a new test contribution page, with ID 4, and now several contributions from years ago are showing up as having been made through the new page, which is impossible. My guess is that there ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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Data segmentation in Searchkit - grouping question

I would like to create a search, using data segments, that groups data. It's a similar question to this but I think not the same. Users have a single selection of A, B, C, D, E, F, G. I want to ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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KCFinder cannot show contents of image upload folder

This problem arose after upgrading to CiviCRM 5.76.2 on Drupal 7.101 on a production Linux host running Apache and PHP 8.3. When adding an image to a mailing (CiviMail) by clicking on "Browse ...
charlie's user avatar
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Can't log into administrative interface

I installed CiviCRM this afternoon to test some functions out. I had a lot of issues so I went to go set up Spark instead, but the website was broken and wouldn't accept my CAPTCHA. So I went back ...
Jeremiah Cook's user avatar
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How to correctly handle webform submissions in D7

I've got a webform that registers people for events on a D7/Civi site. In general it's been working fine for several years. I've just noticed that in certain circumstances it is is not working ...
Graham's user avatar
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email needed to be reviewed. I am not getting emails from our civi account

I am not getting the emails from civi. Who can help me review? I am doing exactly the same selecting group to email and then sent. However, I am not getting the ones from my team from Jack or Maddy ...
iliana madrigal hooper's user avatar
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Searching for contacts with apostrophes their name

We have a CiviCRM database in which a lot of the contacts are churches named after saints, e.g. "St. John's". The problem is that any contacts that were entered directly into CiviCRM using ...
somnolentsurfer's user avatar
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FormBuilder: Required rule for birth date that is in form builder page is not working

Required rule for birth date or date field in general that is in form builder page is not working. It will not prompt that the field is required when there is no selected value for it. Which then ...
darkmode's user avatar
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Manage Volenteer Projects gives error

I'm using wordpress 6.6.1, civicrm 5.76.2, CiviVolunteer 2.4.5, and angular profiles 6.2.4. Manage Volumteers gives the following error Unable to load template 'file:CRM/Volunteer/Page/Angular.tpl' ...
Chris Weiss's user avatar
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Trouble-shooting SmartyException: "Unable to load template ... in 'file:CRM/common/CMSPrint.tpl'"

I'm trying to learn how to add my first page to my CiviCRM extension. All it want is for civicrm/dev to display "Hello World." I think I have Page/Dev.tpl in the correct location, but ...
Mike Steigerwald's user avatar
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Stripe Error (I think): "No secret provided"

We had Stripe working, and then we did stuff in WordPress (moving a staging site to production), and now we're getting Stripe errors that we can't make sense of. When we try to submit a credit card on ...
Carl Sigmond's user avatar
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civiRules: Difference between "Group is added" and "Contact is added to group"

Can someone explain the difference between these two triggers? I had a rule using "Contact is added to group", but from what I could tell, it seems that each time the contact record was ...
A. Block's user avatar
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Searching is now case sensitive

We have noticed that searches in CiviCRM are case sensitive. Searching for community and Community return different results. The documentation says that text searches are case insensitive. Searches ...
Stephen Karamatos's user avatar
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How to make a FormBuilder form that creates (1) Case (2) an Activity attached to that case, when completed by an anonymous user?

This is the desired behaviour: anonymous user completes volunteer application form the form creates: a new contact record for the user a new case of type Volunteering for that user an activity, say ...
Tom Rosenbloom's user avatar
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List or report on number of smart groups a contact is in

Is there anyway (using SearchKit or any other way) I can display a list of contacts who are in more than 1 smart group? I have 160,000 contacts and I need to make sure that my contacts are only in 1 ...
Steve Middleton's user avatar
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Changing Billing Details for CiviCRM Spark Instance

I´m currently paying for a CiviCRM Spark Instance via credit card. Now I want to change the credit card details but cannot find any information about it in the menu. Where can I change the billing ...
Tobias Weiland's user avatar
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CiviCrm: Missing "Modified Date" Field in Contact Summary for Individual Contact Type

I am using the Contact Layout Editor extension in CiviCRM to customize the Contact Summary for individual contact types. I want to display the &...
Shubham Belwal's user avatar
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Possible to create a SearchKit search of FormBuilder forms?

With API4, I can search for afform entities like so: $afforms = \Civi\Api4\Afform::get(TRUE) ->addWhere('name', '=', 'afsearchNoteComments') ->setLimit(25) ->execute(); But in ...
TwoMice's user avatar
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Stripe not processing debit card payments

Stripe not completing debit card payments. Stripe reports that debit cards are handled along with credit cards.
Dave T's user avatar
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Bug? Relationship lost when merging if both contacts have the same relationship with the same contact

I recreated this on the sandbox site: Edit the employee relationship on the contact "Alabama Action Fund". Add a relationship start date (like a year ago) and an end date (like a month ago)....
Daniel Strum's user avatar
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Form Builder: Create Contact and add to (static) group

I've created a from via Form Builder which allows staff to create contacts more easily. It works fine but I am missing one functionality: Adding the contact to a group. Is anyone aware if this is ...
BennHi's user avatar
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Access Denied Error When Submitting Webform With Event Payment

I have a Webform that is using the CiviCRM Webform module to collect payment for an event. After entering payment the following error is shown: I have checked the following things: This error comes ...
Steve's user avatar
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