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CiviPlus/Compuco Dashboard?

Have seen some heavy-customised Drupal theme for CiviCRM Dashboard at Don't think it's available as a FOSS, just wondering what would be a cost/time-frame of building something ...
yurg's user avatar
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Where does the "INSERT INTO civicrm_tmp_e_dedupe_" come from?

Something kills/freezes MySQL once per cron by executing: INSERT INTO civicrm_tmp_e_dedupe_301d41956c9e2bd93bf184f95b40adef (id1, id2, weight) SELECT id1, id2, weight FROM (SELECT t1.contact_id id1, ...
yurg's user avatar
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Adding a date filter to seachkit report (not case start or end date) but todays (or another point in time date)

I have created a searchkit that looks at the "count" of open cases together with relative "average" rating for cases. This is grouped by "case owner". How do I add a ...
dgee's user avatar
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Language Switcher Not Working

Followed the guide here: Have English and Spanish (Mexico) installed. When I switch the language by using a URL on an event link civicrm/event/...
Zachary's user avatar
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Webforms and CiviCRM Contribution page to prevent transaction spam - disable page?

Looking at the Webform documentation at , I see it says When creating a contribution, event or membership webform that includes ...
Kristi Wachter's user avatar
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How to create a message template with a specified workflow name

CiviRules has long been able to send Activity emails using this code (sites/default/files/civicrm/ext/org.civicoop.civirules/CRM/CivirulesActions/Activity/Add.php line 179 of CiviRules v3.12): ...
wil_SRQ's user avatar
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OAuth GMail Access blocked: Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

I have not been able to get oAuth to connect to Gmail and am getting Access blocked: This app’s request is invalid Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch Request details: redirect_uri=
Larry K.'s user avatar
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Payment options - pay in full now or pay X for the next Y months

We are doing an event with two payment options: pay in full now pay X per month for the next Y months I've looked through StackExchange and have found this question asked previously but from 5 years ...
richardsplayground's user avatar
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New installation of civicrm on Wordpress over old version

I have inherited a wordpress site that previously had civicrm installed (don't know the previous version). The plugin directory and the civicrm tables were removed. When I attempt to install (or &...
MikeJ's user avatar
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Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property CRM_Profile_Page_Dynamic

I have just updated Drupal to 7.101 and Civicrm to 5.66 and now have the following error messages when I log on.Running PHP 8.2 (ea-php82) Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property ...
Hock's user avatar
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Split contributions using price sets

We often need to split donations into several financial types. We can create multiple entries when we enter the transaction, but it's difficult when we've accepted an online donation and the supporter ...
Mark's user avatar
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php to smarty boolean vars

i'm having trouble passing boolean values ​​from php to smarty: php: if ($Scad['inc']==TRUE){ $inc = TRUE; }else{ $inc = FALSE; } smarty template: {if $inc===true} {assign var='bg_color' ...
cucca's user avatar
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You cannot enable both Membership Signup and a Contribution Price Set on the same online contribution page?

Related to this one Happened on a Contribution page, where we'd like to allow both Free Membership sign in AND additional contributions with some pre-defined amounts AND "the other amounts" ...
yurg's user avatar
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CiviDiscount & Percentage Price Field Order of Extensions

When I give people a discount code, they are being charged 3% of the pre-discounted rate. This is particularly obvious on 100% scholarships where they should not have to pay anything. Note that in ...
aNYBC's user avatar
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Setting up a help desk system with CiviCRM

I would need to implement a helpdesk system that would gather inquiries from external users of the website. However, I do not know if I should use CiviCASES or if there could be an alternative ...
Giovanni B. Bastianelli's user avatar
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Cost of emails for CiviEmail

How much does it cost to send emails on civi? I'm trying to find the rates of emails and I can't find anything anywhere
Justin's user avatar
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CiviCalendar Dashlet not showing

I am using CiviCRM on Wordpress installed on Arch Linux. I am currently using version 5.70.2 of CiviCRM. I am trying to use the CiviCalender extension and the dashlet does not show.
Marius Groenewald's user avatar
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Drupal user receives "Access Denied" to a public event

I have a group of users of my Drupal site who receive the Drupal "Access Denied" page when accessing an event. The event is public and there's no issue with anonymous users registering for ...
IanEdington's user avatar
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Earliest Date as "Having" Condition

I have a two-pronged question: I want to search Contacts whose first contribution is within a date range, so I have grouped by Contact ID and included Contributions. Min of Contribution Date does ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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Populate select list of contact 2 based on selection of contact 1

I have two contacts, Schools and Teachers, linked by the Employee relationship. On a webform I want the schools as a select list and when on is selected to have the teachers of that school populated ...
Tony Horrocks's user avatar
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Is using smarty logic in CiviMail likely to affect performance

Just looking for some basic advice. Smarty logic is currently turned off for CiviMail but hoping to use it to manage more complicated data than regular tokens allow. Can't find any info on how much ...
Chris Giddings's user avatar
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Recurring contributions webhook error causing payments and memberships to be marked as pending (Stripe payment processor)

When each memberships is created, the membership and the recurring membership are being marked as pending. After some digging, I've found that the problem is caused by a payment processor webhook ...
Chris Giddings's user avatar
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How can I disable Activities that don't have a disable option?

Under Contacts, I want to remove "Print/Merge Documents" and "Meeting" from the "Report Activity" dropdown menu. But there is no "disable" button next to these ...
AskingForHelp's user avatar
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Contribution ACL

Something about access control doesn't quite make sense to me. On the "Contacts" page, if I go to the "Contributions" tab, I can see how many contributions the person has made (e.g....
Pál Rudan's user avatar
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tokens available in an email

Am creating an email to all members past and present. There are no membership tokens available from the tokens dropdown. Does that mean I cannot use ones related to membership? I want to display their ...
dg77's user avatar
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RSS functionality

Has RSS functionality been removed? I remember it being there, but haven't seen it for a while. The docs say: Navigate to Events > Manage Events. Click on the orange and white square icon on the ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Configuration as code in CiviCRM

I'm working on a Drupal/CiviCRM site and would like to manage as much of the site's configuration as possible using git. My goals are: Improve local developer experience (local, staging, prod) ...
IanEdington's user avatar
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How can I add new contact types?

I want to add new contact types for users to select from. Can anyone direct me where I can do that? Thank you!
AskingForHelp's user avatar
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Apparent Code Injection Attempt

I am new to this database (and to CiviCRM generally) but I am finding that it contains a lot of dud records over the last several months which appear to be code injection attempts. It's running on ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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I want to export all activity data from my contacts

I am working for an organisation that has stored every communication activity – email, letter, phone call – with each contact in the activity tab, and we need to save it externally. Ideally in a CSV ...
Andrew Greenhalgh's user avatar
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Output Latest Contribution

I must be missing something, but there must be a way of outputting the latest contribution for a contact in search results (particularly if there is a mailmerge token for it), but I can't seem to find ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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Cron on AWS Lightsail

WordPress v6.6.2 CiviCRM v5.77.0 Amazon AWS Lightsail Using WP-CLI. Can manually trigger it, but it will not automate. Steps taken: crontab -e set as: */15 * * * * /opt/bitnami/wp-cli/bin/wp --path=/...
Paul Williams's user avatar
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Problems installing CiviCRM on Joomla 5

Good afternoon everyone! I am attempting to install civicrm on a fresh Joomla 5 site and am receiving multiple errors during the install. I have attempted to install from a directory from the local ...
Nick's user avatar
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How do you run "cv api job.execute" if the "templates_c" folder is being owned by daemons?

Have been trying to set up CiviCRM with Drupal 11 on AWS Bitnami LAMP instance. Got a filesystem ownership clash, where webserver user ("bitnami") can't access files and folders created by ...
yurg's user avatar
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maximum number of search results that can be exported

I am finding that above a certain number of rows, it is not possible to export the results of a search. 15000 seems to be OK, but with 49000 rows, the export function simply does nothing. No error ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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Mailjetty bounce extension configuration

WP6.6.2 civi 5.74.4 Mailjet is fine sending emails but bounce notifications are not arriving in civi. In mailjet I've set the end Url as "" ...
LesleyJill's user avatar
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Query for WordPress user ID

Is there a way for search results to show the WordPress user ID for each user? I can't seem to find a way to include it in SearchKit results, or in export-to-csv fields, or in Search Builder, etc. ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
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Trying to set up Outbound Email, but no Test Email is received. Why?

Our Association has implemented CiviCRM (version 5.75.2) in our WordPress site . We are trying to configure the CiviCRM Settings - Outbound Mail in the Configuration ...
aqua's user avatar
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CiviCase, Manage Case not possible from other perspective than case client: DB Error: constraint violation (Bug in searchkit/form for case?)

On CiviCrm 5.75.1, I can access a case from the contact that is the client in this case. e.g., I am going to the relations tab of that contact, choose the case and choose "manage case" from ...
golha's user avatar
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kcfinder HTTP Error 500 on WordPress

I an getting an HTTP Error 500 when trying to use CiviEvent Event Name Badge Layouts and clicking on "Image (top left)" or "Image (top right)" fields, and after more investigation ...
Richard Keeble's user avatar
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SearchKit Returns No Contacts for Group that Has Contacts

I am able to use SearchKit to search for contacts in various groups and smart groups, but one specific smart group has no contacts according to SearchKit, even though it definitely has contacts when I ...
Michael FORWARD's user avatar
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How to override CSS in SearchKit results

I'm using WordPress 6.6.2 (self-hosted) and CiviCRM 5.76.2. I'm exposing a SearchKit result as a grid, and I want to do some styling on the result. As suggested in
Ken Williams's user avatar
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How to get total activity duration for a group of contacts

In the CRM, we systematically enter the duration of each activity we have for all our contacts: how do we find the overall time spent for each group of contacts? I remain at your disposal and thank ...
Cédric Presles's user avatar
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'Unable to reach the server' immediately after installing Civi on Backdrop (only at Civihosting)

After installing Backdrop 1.28.3 (and the newly released 1.29) & then installing CiviCRM I get 'Unable to reach the server' when clicking on the 'Configuration' link. This is on the Civihosting....
Andy Clark's user avatar
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MySQL trigger privileges

I just attempted an update on my Joomla 4 site. When I attempted to run the database update I got this message: CiviCRM 5.77.0 requires MySQL trigger privileges. I was somewhere in the 5.7x range ...
Elin's user avatar
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Recaptcha Not Working All of a Sudden

Our live CIVICRM environment is CiviCRM 5.67.1, Joomla 4.4.8, PHP 8.1, hosted on Linode. I have had Recaptcha v2 on our contribution forms for a couple years now and everything worked great. Today, I ...
Margaret's user avatar
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Setting contribution custom fields during online event registration

I have a custom field set that is tied to Contributions. Most of the custom fields have default values. On my standard Contribution pages, I include the custom fields in a profile, and then I use ...
Carl Sigmond's user avatar
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How would I create an extension that adds a tab to a core afform?

I'm following up on the questions about embedding javascript in an angular form (FormBuilder: alterAngular embed javascript), but specifically to do so with a core afform. I'm trying to build an ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Some Membership Contributions stay as pending

Usually, the membership contribution form changes to membership status new when the payment is made which is expected behavior. However, a decent number of times, if a member fills out the ...
user15536's user avatar
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Using Smarty in Search Kit

I have a field for Ethnicity with approx 20+ options to choose from, but the local authority only use White/Non-white classifications for somethings (I don't know why...) I think it's possible to use ...
Rose Lanigan's user avatar
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